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There are 20 words containing ESOPHAG

ESOPHAGIesophagi n. Plural of esophagus.
ESOPHAGUS n. that portion of the gut which connects the pharynx to the stomach, also OESOPHAGUS.
ESOPHAGUSesophagus n. (American spelling) Alternative spelling of oesophagus.
ESOPHAGUS n. that portion of the gut which connects the pharynx to the stomach, also OESOPHAGUS.
OESOPHAGIoesophagi n. Plural of oesophagus.
œsophagi n. Plural of œsophagus.
OESOPHAGUS n. that portion of the gut which connects the pharynx to the stomach, also ESOPHAGUS.
ESOPHAGEALesophageal adj. Of or pertaining to the esophagus.
ESOPHAGEAL adj. pertaining to the esophagus, also OESOPHAGEAL.
OESOPHAGUSoesophagus n. (Anatomy) The tube that carries food from the pharynx to the stomach.
œsophagus n. (Chiefly British spelling) Obsolete form of oesophagus.
OESOPHAGUS n. that portion of the gut which connects the pharynx to the stomach, also ESOPHAGUS.
ESOPHAGITISesophagitis n. (American spelling) Inflammation of the oesophagus.
ESOPHAGITIS n. inflammation of the esophagus, also OESOPHAGITIS.
ESOPHAGUSESESOPHAGUS n. that portion of the gut which connects the pharynx to the stomach, also OESOPHAGUS.
OESOPHAGEALoesophageal adj. Alternative spelling of esophageal.
œsophageal adj. Obsolete spelling of esophageal.
OESOPHAGEAL adj. pertaining to the esophagus, also ESOPHAGEAL.
OESOPHAGITISoesophagitis n. (British spelling) Alternative form of esophagitis.
œsophagitis n. Obsolete spelling of esophagitis.
OESOPHAGITIS n. inflammation of the oesophagus, also ESOPHAGITIS.
OESOPHAGUSESoesophaguses n. Plural of oesophagus.
OESOPHAGUS n. that portion of the gut which connects the pharynx to the stomach, also ESOPHAGUS.
ESOPHAGITIDESesophagitides n. Plural of esophagitis.
ESOPHAGITIS n. inflammation of the esophagus, also OESOPHAGITIS.
ESOPHAGITISESESOPHAGITIS n. inflammation of the esophagus, also OESOPHAGITIS.
ESOPHAGOSCOPEesophagoscope n. (American spelling) A form of endoscope for inspecting the esophagus.
ESOPHAGOSCOPE n. an implement for examining the oesophagus.
ESOPHAGOSCOPYesophagoscopy n. (American spelling, medicine) Diagnostic inspection of the interior of the esophagus.
ESOPHAGOSCOPY n. examination of the oesophagus, also OESOPHAGOSCOPY.
ESOPHAGOSCOPESesophagoscopes n. Plural of esophagoscope.
ESOPHAGOSCOPE n. an implement for examining the oesophagus.
OESOPHAGITISESOESOPHAGITIS n. inflammation of the oesophagus, also ESOPHAGITIS.
OESOPHAGOSCOPEoesophagoscope n. Alternative form of esophagoscope.
OESOPHAGOSCOPE n. an instrument for examining the oesophagus.
OESOPHAGOSCOPYoesophagoscopy n. Alternative form of esophagoscopy.
OESOPHAGOSCOPY n. examination of the oesophagus, also ESOPHAGOSCOPY.
ESOPHAGOSCOPIESesophagoscopies n. Plural of esophagoscopy.
ESOPHAGOSCOPY n. examination of the oesophagus, also OESOPHAGOSCOPY.
OESOPHAGOSCOPESoesophagoscopes n. Plural of oesophagoscope.
OESOPHAGOSCOPE n. an instrument for examining the oesophagus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 185 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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