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There are 15 words containing ESIOLOG

ANAESTHESIOLOGYanaesthesiology n. (British spelling, medicine) Alternative spelling of anesthesiology.
anæsthesiology n. Obsolete spelling of anaesthesiology.
ANAESTHESIOLOGY n. a branch of medical science dealing with anesthetics, also ANESTHESIOLOGY.
ANESTHESIOLOGYanesthesiology n. (American spelling, Canadian spelling) The science of administering anesthetics.
ANESTHESIOLOGY n. a branch of medical science dealing with anesthetics, also ANAESTHESIOLOGY.
ECCLESIOLOGICALecclesiological adj. Of or pertaining to ecclesiology.
ECCLESIOLOGICAL adj. relating to ecclesiology.
ECCLESIOLOGIESecclesiologies n. Plural of ecclesiology.
ECCLESIOLOGY n. the study of church ornamentation and architecture.
ECCLESIOLOGISTecclesiologist n. One versed in ecclesiology.
ECCLESIOLOGIST n. one who studies ecclesiology.
ECCLESIOLOGISTSecclesiologists n. Plural of ecclesiologist.
ECCLESIOLOGIST n. one who studies ecclesiology.
ECCLESIOLOGYecclesiology n. The branch of theology concerned with the doctrines, role etc. of a church.
ecclesiology n. The science of building and decorating churches.
ECCLESIOLOGY n. the study of church ornamentation and architecture.
HERESIOLOGIESHERESIOLOGY n. the study of heresies.
HERESIOLOGISTheresiologist n. One who studies heresiology, who studies heresy.
HERESIOLOGIST n. a student of, or writer on, heresies.
HERESIOLOGISTSheresiologists n. Plural of heresiologist.
HERESIOLOGIST n. a student of, or writer on, heresies.
HERESIOLOGYheresiology n. The study of heresy.
HERESIOLOGY n. the study of heresies.
KINESIOLOGIESkinesiologies n. (Rare) plural of kinesiology.
KINESIOLOGY n. the study of human movement and posture, including aspects of anatomy.
KINESIOLOGISTkinesiologist n. One who practises kinesiology.
KINESIOLOGIST n. a specialist in kinesiology.
KINESIOLOGISTSkinesiologists n. Plural of kinesiologist.
KINESIOLOGIST n. a specialist in kinesiology.
KINESIOLOGYkinesiology n. (Medicine) The study of body movement.
kinesiology n. (Medicine) The application of such principles to the diagnosis and treatment of muscular imbalance.
KINESIOLOGY n. the study of human movement and posture, including aspects of anatomy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 52 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 33 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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