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There are 18 words containing ENTEROC

ENTEROCELEenterocele n. (Pathology) An intestinal hernia.
ENTEROCELE n. a hernial tumor whose contents are intestine.
ENTEROCELESenteroceles n. Plural of enterocele.
ENTEROCELE n. a hernial tumor whose contents are intestine.
ENTEROCENTESESENTEROCENTESIS n. operative puncturing of the intestine.
ENTEROCENTESISenterocentesis n. (Surgery) puncture of the intestine (in order to take a sample of its contents).
ENTEROCENTESIS n. operative puncturing of the intestine.
ENTEROCOCCALenterococcal adj. Relating to, or produced by, an enterococcus.
ENTEROCOCCAL adj. relating to enterococcus.
ENTEROCOCCIenterococci n. Plural of enterococcus.
ENTEROCOCCUS n. any of a genus of bacteria that resemble streptococci and were formerly classified with them.
ENTEROCOCCUSenterococcus n. (Bacteriology) Any of a group of streptococci bacteria, of the genus Enterococcus, that inhabit the…
Enterococcus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Enterococcaceae – gram-positive bacteria that resemble streptococci…
ENTEROCOCCUS n. any of a genus of bacteria that resemble streptococci and were formerly classified with them.
ENTEROCOELenterocoel n. A coelom, in some invertebrates, formed from the wall of the archenteron.
ENTEROCOEL n. a coelom originating by outgrowth from the archenteron, also ENTEROCOELE.
ENTEROCOELEenterocoele n. (Anatomy) A perivisceral cavity which arises as an outgrowth or outgrowths from the digestive tract.
ENTEROCOELE n. a coelom originating by outgrowth from the archenteron, also ENTEROCOEL.
ENTEROCOELESenterocoeles n. Plural of enterocoele.
ENTEROCOELE n. a coelom originating by outgrowth from the archenteron, also ENTEROCOEL.
ENTEROCOELICenterocoelic adj. Relating to an enterocoel or to enterocoely.
ENTEROCOELIC adj. of or like an enterocoele.
ENTEROCOELOUSenterocoelous adj. Alternative form of enterocoelic.
ENTEROCOELOUS adj. of or like an enterocoele.
ENTEROCOELSenterocoels n. Plural of enterocoel.
ENTEROCOEL n. a coelom originating by outgrowth from the archenteron, also ENTEROCOELE.
ENTEROCOLITIDESenterocolitides n. Plural of enterocolitis.
ENTEROCOLITIS n. inflammation of a part of the intestines.
ENTEROCOLITISenterocolitis n. (Medicine) inflammation of the mucous membranes of the small intestine and of the colon.
ENTEROCOLITIS n. inflammation of a part of the intestines.
ENTEROCOLITISESENTEROCOLITIS n. inflammation of a part of the intestines.
ENTEROCYTEenterocyte n. A cell found in the lining of the intestines and colon, participating in absorption of nutrients and…
ENTEROCYTESenterocytes n. Plural of enterocyte.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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