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There are 8 words containing EMINISM

FEMINISMfeminism n. (Obsolete) The state of being feminine; femininity.
feminism n. A social theory or political movement which argues that legal and social restrictions on women must…
FEMINISM n. advocacy of woman's rights.
FEMINISMSfeminisms n. Plural of feminism.
FEMINISM n. advocacy of woman's rights.
ECOFEMINISMecofeminism n. A sociopolitical movement combining feminism and environmentalism.
ECOFEMINISM n. a movement or theory that applies feminist principles and ideas to ecological issues.
ANTIFEMINISMantifeminism n. Opposition to feminism.
anti-feminism n. Alternative form of antifeminism.
ANTIFEMINISM n. opposition to feminism.
ECOFEMINISMSecofeminisms n. Plural of ecofeminism.
ECOFEMINISM n. a movement or theory that applies feminist principles and ideas to ecological issues.
POSTFEMINISMpostfeminism n. Any of a wide range of theories that respond to feminism, arguing that it is no longer relevant or that…
post-feminism n. Alternative spelling of postfeminism.
POSTFEMINISM n. a movement that regards the main principles of feminism as either achieved or misguided and seeks a new programme.
ANTIFEMINISMSantifeminisms n. Plural of antifeminism.
ANTIFEMINISM n. opposition to feminism.
POSTFEMINISMSpostfeminisms n. Plural of postfeminism.
POSTFEMINISM n. a movement that regards the main principles of feminism as either achieved or misguided and seeks a new programme.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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