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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing ENTATIO

ALIMENTATIONSalimentations n. Plural of alimentation.
ALIMENTATION n. the act of feeding or being fed.
ARGUMENTATIONargumentation n. Inference based on reasoning from given propositions.
argumentation n. An exchange of arguments.
argumentation n. The addition of arguments to a model; parameterization.
AUGMENTATIONSaugmentations n. Plural of augmentation.
AUGMENTATION n. the act of augmenting.
COMMENTATIONScommentations n. Plural of commentation.
COMMENTATION n. annotation.
CONTENTATIONScontentations n. Plural of contentation.
CONTENTATION n. (obsolete) being content.
DOCUMENTATIONdocumentation n. Something transposed from a thought to a document; the written account of an idea.
documentation n. Documentary evidence and sources.
documentation n. (Computing, mechanical engineering) Documents that explain the operation of a particular machine or software program.
FERMENTATIONSfermentations n. Plural of fermentation.
FERMENTATION n. a chemical change with effervescence, as by the action of yeast.
FRAGMENTATIONfragmentation n. The act of fragmenting or something fragmented; disintegration.
fragmentation n. The process by which fragments of an exploding bomb scatter.
fragmentation n. (Computing) The breaking up and dispersal of a file into non-contiguous areas of a disk.
FREQUENTATIONfrequentation n. The act of frequenting a particular place.
FREQUENTATION n. the act of frequenting.
FRUMENTATIONSfrumentations n. Plural of frumentation.
FRUMENTATION n. a gift of grain bestowed on starving or rebellious people in ancient Rome.
ORIENTATIONALorientational adj. Of or pertaining to orientation.
ORIENTATIONAL adj. relating to orientation.
ORNAMENTATIONornamentation n. Decoration, adornment or embellishment.
ornamentation n. The act or process of decorating etc.
ornamentation n. (Music) Short notes added to a composition to emphasize certain notes and to add style.
PIGMENTATIONSpigmentations n. Plural of pigmentation.
PIGMENTATION n. coloration with or deposition of pigment.
PLACENTATIONSplacentations n. Plural of placentation.
PLACENTATION n. the arrangement of placentas and ovules in a plant ovary.
PRESENTATIONSpresentations n. Plural of presentation.
PRESENTATION n. the act of presenting.
REGIMENTATIONregimentation n. The act of regimenting.
REGIMENTATION n. the act of regimenting.
REORIENTATIONreorientation n. A new orientation.
reorientation n. The act of changing the direction of something.
REORIENTATION n. the act of reorienting.
SEDIMENTATIONsedimentation n. The separation of a suspension of solid particles into a concentrated slurry and a supernatant liquid…
SEDIMENTATION n. the act of forming sediment.
SEGMENTATIONSsegmentations n. Plural of segmentation.
SEGMENTATION n. the state of being segmented.
SUSTENTATIONSsustentations n. Plural of sustentation.
SUSTENTATION n. the action of bearing or enduring.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 37 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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