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There are 13 ten-letter words containing EOLOGIS

GEOLOGISEDgeologised v. Simple past tense and past participle of geologise.
GEOLOGISE v. to engage in geology, also GEOLOGIZE.
GEOLOGISESgeologises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of geologise.
GEOLOGISE v. to engage in geology, also GEOLOGIZE.
GEOLOGISTSgeologists n. Plural of geologist.
GEOLOGIST n. one who studies geology.
IDEOLOGISEideologise v. Alternative spelling of ideologize.
IDEOLOGISE v. to render ideological, also IDEOLOGIZE.
IDEOLOGISTideologist n. One who theorizes or idealizes; one who advocates the doctrines of ideology.
IDEOLOGIST n. a supporter of a particular ideology.
NEOLOGISEDneologised v. Simple past tense and past participle of neologise.
NEOLOGISE v. to introduce or use new words or terms or new uses of old words, also NEOLOGIZE.
NEOLOGISESneologises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of neologise.
NEOLOGISE v. to introduce or use new words or terms or new uses of old words, also NEOLOGIZE.
NEOLOGISMSneologisms n. Plural of neologism.
NEOLOGISM n. a new word, phrase or doctrine; a new use of an established word, also NEOLOGY.
NEOLOGISTSneologists n. Plural of neologist.
NEOLOGIST n. one who introduces new words or new senses of old words into a language, also NEOLOGIAN.
OREOLOGISToreologist n. (Obsolete) Alternative form of orologist.
OREOLOGIST n. one versed in oreology, the study of mountains, also OROLOGIST.
RHEOLOGISTrheologist n. One who studies rheology.
RHEOLOGIST n. one who studies rheology.
THEOLOGISEtheologise v. Alternative spelling of theologize.
THEOLOGISE v. to make theological, also THEOLOGIZE.
THEOLOGISTtheologist n. A theologian; one who is skilled in, professes or practices that which relates or pertains to God.
THEOLOGIST n. a theologian.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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