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There are 20 words containing EVENTI

EVENTIDEeventide n. (Archaic, poetic, literary) evening.
EVENTIDE n. evening.
EVENTINGeventing n. An equestrian event which comprises dressage, cross-country, and showjumping; a similar event using motor cars.
eventing n. (Computing) The ability of one system or part of a program to send notifications to another, by raising events.
eventing n. (Social sciences, rare) The occurrence of an event.
EVENTIVEeventive adj. (Grammar) That denotes an event.
eventive n. (Grammar) A word or construct that denotes an event.
EVENTIVE adj. denoting an event.
EVENTIDESeventides n. Plural of eventide.
EVENTIDE n. evening.
EVENTINGSeventings n. Plural of eventing.
EVENTING n. the act of taking part in riding events.
SEVENTIESseventies n. Plural of seventy.
seventies n. The decade of the 1870s, 1970s, etc.
seventies n. The decade of one’s life from age 70 through age 79.
PREVENTINGpreventing v. Present participle and gerund of prevent.
PREVENT v. to keep from happening.
PREVENTIONprevention n. The act of preventing or hindering; obstruction of action, access, or approach; thwarting.
prevention n. (Medicine) Any measure intended to limit health-related risks (Such as information campaigns, vaccination…
prevention n. (Obsolete) The act of going, or state of being, before.
PREVENTIVEpreventive adj. Preventing, hindering, or acting as an obstacle to.
preventive adj. Carried out to deter military aggression.
preventive adj. Slowing the development of an illness; prophylactic.
SEVENTIETHseventieth adj. The ordinal form of the number seventy.
seventieth n. The person or thing in the seventieth position.
seventieth n. One of seventy equal parts of a whole.
PREVENTIBLEpreventible adj. Alternative form of preventable.
preventible n. Alternative form of preventable.
PREVENTIBLE adj. that can be prevented, also PREVENTABLE.
PREVENTIBLYPREVENTIBLE adv. that can be prevented, also PREVENTABLE.
PREVENTIONSpreventions n. Plural of prevention.
PREVENTION n. the act of preventing.
PREVENTIVESpreventives n. Plural of preventive.
PREVENTIVE n. something that prevents.
SEVENTIETHSseventieths n. Plural of seventieth.
SEVENTIETH n. a seventieth part of.
PREVENTIVELYpreventively adv. In a preventive way.
PREVENTIVE adv. serving to prevent, also PREVENTATIVE.
PREVENTIBILITYPREVENTIBILITY n. the state of being preventible.
PREVENTIVENESSpreventiveness n. The quality of being preventive.
PREVENTIVE n. serving to prevent, also PREVENTATIVE.
CHEMOPREVENTIONchemoprevention n. The prevention of disease by the use of food supplements, drugs etc.
CHEMOPREVENTION n. the use of chemical agents to prevent or slow the development of cancer.
CHEMOPREVENTIVEchemopreventive adj. Of, or relating to chemoprevention.
chemopreventive n. A food supplement etc used for chemoprevention.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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