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There are 19 words containing EURISM

AMATEURISMamateurism n. Amateur beliefs and practices generally.
amateurism n. The opinion or conviction that sports ought not to be played for money.
AMATEURISM n. the state of being an amateur.
AMATEURISMSamateurisms n. Plural of amateurism.
AMATEURISM n. the state of being an amateur.
ANEURISManeurism n. Alternative spelling of aneurysm.
ANEURISM n. dilatation of an artery, also ANEURYSM.
ANEURISMALaneurismal adj. Alternative spelling of aneurysmal.
ANEURISMAL adj. of or pertaining to an aneurism, also ANEURYSMAL.
ANEURISMALLYANEURISMAL adv. of or pertaining to an aneurism, also ANEURYSMAL.
ANEURISMATICaneurismatic adj. Alternative spelling of aneurysmatic.
ANEURISMATIC adj. of or like an aneurism, also ANEURYSMATIC.
ANEURISMSaneurisms n. Plural of aneurism.
ANEURISM n. dilatation of an artery, also ANEURYSM.
AUTEURISMauteurism n. (Film) A theory that considers a work of cinema or television as the work of its director, rather than…
AUTEURISM n. the profession of auteur, film director.
AUTEURISMSAUTEURISM n. the profession of auteur, film director.
HEURISMheurism n. Knowledge derived from empirical study and practical adoption of experience.
HEURISM n. the heuristic method or principle in education.
HEURISMSheurisms n. Plural of heurism.
HEURISM n. the heuristic method or principle in education.
NEURISMneurism n. (Obsolete) A supposed "nerve force" in vitalism.
NEURISM n. a hypothetical nerve force acting on evolution.
NEURISMSNEURISM n. a hypothetical nerve force acting on evolution.
PASTEURISMPasteurism prop.n. (Dated) The prevention of certain diseases by successive inoculations with an attenuated virus of gradually…
Pasteurism prop.n. (Dated) pasteurisation.
PASTEURISM n. a method of treatment, devised by Pasteur, for preventing certain diseases, as hydrophobia, by successive inoculations with an attenuated virus of gradually increasing strength.
PASTEURISMSPASTEURISM n. a method of treatment, devised by Pasteur, for preventing certain diseases, as hydrophobia, by successive inoculations with an attenuated virus of gradually increasing strength.
SHAMATEURISMshamateurism n. The fact or practice of being a shamateur; making money out of sports despite professing to be an amateur.
SHAMATEURISM n. the retention of amateur status while receiving payment for playing or competing.
SHAMATEURISMSSHAMATEURISM n. the retention of amateur status while receiving payment for playing or competing.
VOYEURISMvoyeurism n. The derivation of sexual satisfaction by watching people secretly, especially when those being watched…
voyeurism n. (By extension) The derivation of satisfaction by obsessively watching or following sensational or sordid subjects.
VOYEURISM n. the derivation of gratification from surreptitiously watching sexual acts or objects.
VOYEURISMSvoyeurisms n. Plural of voyeurism.
VOYEURISM n. the derivation of gratification from surreptitiously watching sexual acts or objects.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 21 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 10 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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