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There are 9 words containing ETERON

HETERONYMheteronym n. (Linguistics) A word having the same spelling as another, but a different pronunciation and meaning.
heteronym n. (Literature) A fictitious character created by an author for the purpose of writing in a different style.
HETERONYM n. a word having same spelling but different sound and meaning e.g. lead/lead.
HETERONOMYheteronomy n. The political subjection of a community to the rule of another power or to an external law.
heteronomy n. The state of being beholden to external influences.
heteronomy n. (Biology) The condition of being heteronomous.
HETERONYMSheteronyms n. Plural of heteronym.
HETERONYM n. a word having same spelling but different sound and meaning e.g. lead/lead.
HETERONOMIESheteronomies n. Plural of heteronomy.
HETERONOMY n. subordination or subjection to the law of another, as opposed to autonomy.
HETERONOMOUSheteronomous adj. Arising from an external influence, force, or agency; not autonomous.
heteronomous adj. (Biology, of parts of an organism) Differing in development or in specialization.
heteronomous adj. (Linguistics, of a language) Being a dialect of an autonomous language.
HETERONYMOUSheteronymous adj. Of, or relating to a heteronym.
heteronymous adj. Being different words, but having a common relationship, as in the case of brother and sister, which denote siblings.
heteronymous adj. (Ophthalmology) Heteronymous hemianopsia (blindness in the left side of one eye and the right side of the other eye).
HETERONOMOUSLYheteronomously adv. In a heteronomous manner.
HETERONOMOUS adv. subject to different or foreign laws.
HETERONYMOUSLYheteronymously adv. In a heteronymous manner.
HETERONYMOUS adv. like a heteronym, a word having same spelling but different sound and meaning.
HETERONORMATIVEheteronormative adj. Of or pertaining to the practices and institutions that privilege or value heterosexuality, heterosexual…
HETERONORMATIVE adj. regarding heterosexual relationships as the social norm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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