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There are 19 words containing ESTRAL

ESTRALestral adj. Alternative spelling of oestral.
ESTRAL adj. pertaining to estrus, also OESTRAL, ESTROUS, OESTROUS, ESTRUAL.
OESTRALoestral adj. Oestrous.
OESTRAL adj. pertaining to oestrus, a period of sexual excitement and ovulation in animals, also ESTRAL, ESTROUS, OESTROUS, ESTRUAL.
VESTRALvestral adj. Relating to a vestry.
VESTRAL adj. relating to a vestry.
ANCESTRALancestral adj. Of, pertaining to, derived from, or possessed by, an ancestor or ancestors.
ANCESTRAL adj. relating to ancestors.
ANCESTRAL n. a type of relation in logic.
FENESTRALfenestral n. (Archaeology) A casement or window sash closed with cloth or paper instead of glass.
fenestral adj. (Architecture) Relating to a window or windows.
fenestral adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to a fenestra.
PALESTRALpalestral adj. Palestric; relating to wrestling.
PALESTRAL adj. relating to a palestra, a wrestling school.
SEMESTRALsemestral adj. Synonym of biannual (“half-yearly”).
SEMESTRAL adj. half-yearly, also SEMESTRIAL.
ANCESTRALSANCESTRAL n. a type of relation in logic.
CAMPESTRALcampestral adj. Relating to open fields or uncultivated land.
CAMPESTRAL adj. of or pertaining to fields or open country, also CAMPESTRIAN.
FENESTRALSfenestrals n. Plural of fenestral.
FENESTRAL n. a window with some other translucent material instead of glass.
ORCHESTRALorchestral adj. Relating to an orchestra or to music played by an orchestra.
orchestral n. (Uncommon) An orchestral performance.
ORCHESTRAL adj. relating to or composed for an orchestra, also ORCHESTRIC.
PALAESTRALpalaestral adj. Alternative form of palestral.
PALAESTRAL adj. related to a palaestra, a wrestling school.
SEQUESTRALsequestral adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to a sequestrum.
SEQUESTRAL adj. of or like a sequestrum, a portion of dead bone which becomes separated from the sound portion, as in necrosis.
SYLVESTRALSYLVESTRAL adj. of a plant, growing typically in woods or bushy places.
TRIMESTRALtrimestral adj. (Rare) Of trimesters or the use thereof.
TRIMESTRAL adj. relating to a trimester, a period of three months, also TRIMESTRIAL.
ANCESTRALLYancestrally adv. Pertaining to ancestry.
ANCESTRAL adv. relating to ancestors.
ORCHESTRALLYorchestrally adv. In an orchestral manner.
ORCHESTRAL adv. relating to or composed for an orchestra, also ORCHESTRIC.
ORCHESTRALISTorchestralist n. A musician who performs as part of an orchestra.
ORCHESTRALIST n. an orchestral composer.
ORCHESTRALISTSorchestralists n. Plural of orchestralist.
ORCHESTRALIST n. an orchestral composer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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