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There are 10 words containing ESPIRA

IRRESPIRABLEirrespirable adj. Unbreathable.
IRRESPIRABLE adj. unfit for respiration.
RESPIRABILITIESRESPIRABILITY n. the quality of being respirable.
RESPIRABILITYrespirability n. The quality or state of being respirable.
RESPIRABILITY n. the quality of being respirable.
RESPIRABLErespirable adj. (Of air) breathable.
respirable adj. (Of an organism) capable of respiration.
RESPIRABLE adj. fit for breathing.
RESPIRATIONrespiration n. The process of inhaling and exhaling; breathing, breath.
respiration n. An act of breathing; a breath.
respiration n. Any similar process in an organism that lacks lungs that exchanges gases with its environment.
RESPIRATIONALrespirational adj. Of or pertaining to respiration.
RESPIRATIONAL adj. related to respiration.
RESPIRATIONSrespirations n. Plural of respiration.
RESPIRATION n. breathing; the taking in of oxygen and giving out of carbon dioxide.
RESPIRATORrespirator n. A device designed to allow breathing when it would otherwise be hindered, as by a medical condition…
RESPIRATOR n. an appliance which provides artificial respiration.
RESPIRATORSrespirators n. Plural of respirator.
RESPIRATOR n. an appliance which provides artificial respiration.
RESPIRATORYrespiratory adj. (Relational) Relating to respiration or the organs of respiration; breathing.
RESPIRATORY adj. related to respiration.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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