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There are 20 words containing ESIMAL

VICESIMALvicesimal adj. Synonym of vigesimal.
VICESIMAL adj. based on the number twenty, also VICENARY, VIGESIMAL.
VIGESIMALvigesimal adj. Occurring in intervals of twenty.
vigesimal adj. (Arithmetic) To the base twenty.
vigesimal n. A twentieth part.
CENTESIMALcentesimal adj. Divided into a hundred parts.
centesimal adj. Describing a hundredth part.
CENTESIMAL adj. counting or counted by hundreds or hundredths.
MILLESIMALmillesimal adj. Thousandth; consisting of thousandth parts.
millesimal n. A thousandth part.
MILLESIMAL adj. thousandth; consisting of thousandth parts.
MILLESIMALSmillesimals n. Plural of millesimal.
MILLESIMAL n. a thousandth part.
NONAGESIMALnonagesimal n. (Astronomy) The middle to highest point of a part of an ecliptic that is above the horizon at any period of time.
nonagesimal adj. Of or relating to the ninetieth degree or to a nonagesimal.
NONAGESIMAL adj. ninetieth.
SEXAGESIMALsexagesimal adj. (Mathematics) Of, related to, or based on the number sixty.
sexagesimal n. (Mathematics) A fraction involving division by 60; a sixtieth part of something.
sexagesimal n. (Mathematics) A base-60 number.
CENTESIMALLYcentesimally adv. According to a division into 100 parts.
CENTESIMAL adv. counting or counted by hundreds or hundredths.
MILLESIMALLYmillesimally adv. In thousandths.
MILLESIMAL adv. thousandth; consisting of thousandth parts.
NONAGESIMALSnonagesimals n. Plural of nonagesimal.
NONAGESIMAL n. the point of the ecliptic 90 degrees from its intersection by the horizon.
PLANETESIMALplanetesimal n. (Astronomy) Any of many small, solid astronomical objects that orbit a star and form protoplanets through…
planetesimal adj. (Astronomy) Being or relating to one of these astronomical objects.
PLANETESIMAL n. an asteroid or similar tiny celestial body.
SEXAGESIMALSsexagesimals n. Plural of sexagesimal.
SEXAGESIMAL n. a sexagesimal fraction.
INFINITESIMALinfinitesimal adj. Incalculably, exceedingly, or immeasurably minute; vanishingly small.
infinitesimal adj. (Mathematics) Of or pertaining to values that approach zero as a limit.
infinitesimal adj. (Informal) Very small.
PLANETESIMALSplanetesimals n. Plural of planetesimal.
PLANETESIMAL n. an asteroid or similar tiny celestial body.
QUADRAGESIMALquadragesimal adj. That lasts forty days.
quadragesimal adj. Belonging to Lent; used in Lent; Lenten.
quadragesimal adj. (Mathematics) Of, related to, or based on the number forty.
SEXAGESIMALLYsexagesimally adv. In the sexagesimal system.
SEXAGESIMAL adv. relating to, or based on, sixty.
INFINITESIMALSinfinitesimals n. Plural of infinitesimal.
INFINITESIMAL n. an infinitesimal number.
QUINQUAGESIMALquinquagesimal adj. Of or related to a set of 50 people or items.
QUINQUAGESIMAL adj. consisting of fifty days.
INFINITESIMALLYinfinitesimally adv. In an infinitesimal manner.
infinitesimally adv. To an infinitesimal degree.
INFINITESIMAL adv. taking on values arbitrarily close to but greater than zero.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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