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There are 17 words containing ESERVA

RESERVABLEreservable adj. That may be reserved.
RESERVABLE adj. that can be reserved.
PRESERVABLEpreservable adj. Capable of being preserved.
PRESERVABLE adj. that can be preserved.
PRESERVABLYPRESERVABLE adv. that can be preserved.
RESERVATIONreservation n. The act of reserving, withholding or keeping back.
reservation n. Something that is withheld or kept back.
reservation n. (Often in the plural) A limiting qualification regarding certainty; a doubt.
RESERVATORYreservatory n. A place in which things are reserved or kept.
reservatory adj. Reserving something.
RESERVATORY n. a receptacle; a reservoir.
PRESERVATIONpreservation n. The act of preserving; care to preserve; act of keeping from destruction, decay or any ill.
preservation n. The state of being preserved, how something has survived.
PRESERVATION n. the act of preserving.
PRESERVATIVEpreservative n. (Countable) Any agent, natural or artificial that acts to preserve, especially when added to food.
preservative adj. Tending to preserve.
PRESERVATIVE adj. serving to preserve.
PRESERVATORYpreservatory n. (Obsolete) A preservative.
preservatory n. (Obsolete) A room or apparatus in which perishable things can be preserved without decay.
preservatory adj. Preservative.
RESERVATIONSreservations n. Plural of reservation.
RESERVATION n. somehting reserved, a booking.
PRESERVATIONSpreservations n. Plural of preservation.
PRESERVATION n. the act of preserving.
PRESERVATIVESpreservatives n. Plural of preservative.
PRESERVATIVE n. something that preserves or has the power of preserving.
RESERVATORIESreservatories n. Plural of reservatory.
RESERVATORY n. a receptacle; a reservoir.
PRESERVABILITYpreservability n. The condition, or the extent, of being preservable.
PRESERVABILITY n. the state of being preservable.
PRESERVATORIESpreservatories n. Plural of preservatory.
PRESERVATORY n. something serving to preserve.
RESERVATIONISTreservationist n. A person whose job is to take reservations.
RESERVATIONIST n. one who makes a reservation.
PRESERVATIONISTpreservationist n. A person who advocates for the preservation of natural or man-made landmarks.
PRESERVATIONIST n. one who advocates preservation (as of a biological species or a historical landmark).
RESERVATIONISTSreservationists n. Plural of reservationist.
RESERVATIONIST n. one who makes a reservation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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