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There are 18 words containing ERSIDE

OVERSIDEoverside adj. Located or positioned over the side, especially of a ship.
overside adj. On the opposite side.
overside adv. Over the side.
OVERSIDESoversides n. Plural of overside.
OVERSIDE n. the other side of the phonograph record.
RIVERSIDEriverside n. A bank or side of a river.
riverside adj. At or near the side of a river.
Riverside prop.n. A place name applied to a locality, especially a city, that is situated beside a river.
UNDERSIDEunderside n. The side that is below or underneath, the bottom.
UNDERSIDE n. the underneath.
WATERSIDEwaterside n. The land bordering a body of water.
waterside adj. Of, pertaining to or situated on a waterside.
Waterside prop.n. A suburb and ward in Chesham parish, Buckinghamshire, England (OS grid ref SP9600).
HITHERSIDEhitherside n. The nearer side; this side.
hitherside adj. On the nearer side; this side.
HITHERSIDE n. the nearest side.
RIVERSIDESriversides n. Plural of riverside.
RIVERSIDE n. the area at the side of a river.
SILVERSIDEsilverside n. Any of several small fish, mostly in families Atherinidae and Atherinopsidae, both in order Atheriniformes…
silverside n. (Britain) The upper side of a round of beef.
silverside n. (Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland, informal) corned beef made with this type of meat.
SOBERSIDEDsobersided adj. (US) serious and sedate.
SOBERSIDED adj. devoid of extreme qualities such as exaggeration; sober.
SOBERSIDESsobersides n. (US) A serious and sedate person.
SOBERSIDES n. a sober, dull person.
UNDERSIDESundersides n. Plural of underside.
UNDERSIDE n. the underneath.
WATERSIDERwatersider n. (New Zealand) A loader and unloader of a ship’s cargo.
WATERSIDER n. (Australian) a wharf labourer.
WATERSIDESwatersides n. Plural of waterside.
WATERSIDE n. the edge of a sea, lake, etc., a shore.
HITHERSIDESHITHERSIDE n. the nearest side.
SILVERSIDESsilversides n. A silverside (fish in order Atheriniformes).
silversides n. Plural of silverside.
SILVERSIDES n. a small fish, aka sand smelt.
WATERSIDERSwatersiders n. Plural of watersider.
WATERSIDER n. (Australian) a wharf labourer.
INTERSIDEREALintersidereal adj. Between or among constellations or stars; interstellar.
INTERSIDEREAL adj. between stars.
SOBERSIDEDNESSsobersidedness n. Quality of being sobersided.
SOBERSIDEDNESS n. the state of being sobersided.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 58 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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