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There are 10 words containing EROSTA

AEROSTATaerostat n. An aircraft, such as a dirigible or balloon, that derives its lift from buoyancy rather than from wings or rotors.
aerostat n. A moored balloon flown in a semi-permanent manner, such as a border patrol monitoring balloon affixed…
AEROSTAT n. any lighter-than-air craft e.g. a blimp or balloon, as opposed to an aerodyne.
AEROSTATSaerostats n. Plural of aerostat.
AEROSTAT n. any lighter-than-air craft e.g. a blimp or balloon, as opposed to an aerodyne.
AEROSTATICaerostatic adj. Of or pertaining to aerostatics; pneumatic.
aerostatic adj. Pertaining to aerial navigation or aeronautics.
AEROSTATIC adj. relating to aerostatics, also AEROSTATICAL.
SIDEROSTATsiderostat n. (Astronomy) A heliostat that may be used with stars as well as the sun.
SIDEROSTAT n. a mirror, or telescope with a mirror, for reflecting the rays of a star in a constant direction.
AEROSTATICSaerostatics n. (Physics) the study of gases in equilibrium and of balloons or aircraft in varying atmospheric conditions.
AEROSTATICS n. the science of gases in equilibrium.
AEROSTATIONaerostation n. (Obsolete) Aerial navigation; the art of raising and guiding balloons in the air.
aerostation n. (Obsolete) The science of weighing air; aerostatics.
AEROSTATION n. ballooning.
SIDEROSTATSsiderostats n. Plural of siderostat.
SIDEROSTAT n. a mirror, or telescope with a mirror, for reflecting the rays of a star in a constant direction.
AEROSTATICALaerostatical adj. Of or relating to aerostatics; pneumatic.
aerostatical adj. Aeronautic.
AEROSTATICAL adj. relating to aerostatics, also AEROSTATIC.
SIDEROSTATICsiderostatic adj. Of or relating to the siderostat.
SIDEROSTATIC adj. of or like a siderostat, a mirror, or telescope with a mirror, for reflecting the rays of a star in a constant direction.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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