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There are 11 words containing EROPOD

PTEROPODpteropod n. Any of free-swimming pelagic sea snails and sea slugs, of the suborder Thecosomata, that have winglike…
PTEROPOD n. a small swimming mollusc, often shell-less.
THEROPODtheropod n. Any bipedal carnivorous dinosaur, of the suborder Theropoda, from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.
THEROPOD n. a carnivorous dinosaur with small forelimbs (e.g. tyrannosaurus), also THEROPODAN.
HETEROPODheteropod n. Any member of the Heteropoda (any sense).
heteropod adj. Of or relating to the Heteropoda (any sense).
HETEROPOD n. any of a group of free-swimming prosobranch gastropods having the foot adapted for swimming.
PTEROPODSpteropods n. Plural of pteropod.
PTEROPOD n. a small swimming mollusc, often shell-less.
THEROPODStheropods n. Plural of theropod.
THEROPOD n. a carnivorous dinosaur with small forelimbs (e.g. tyrannosaurus), also THEROPODAN.
GASTEROPODgasteropod n. Alternative form of gastropod.
GASTEROPOD n. any mollusc of the class Gastropoda, that includes the snails, whelks, limpets, and slugs, also GASTROPOD.
HETEROPODSheteropods n. Plural of heteropod.
HETEROPOD n. any of a group of free-swimming prosobranch gastropods having the foot adapted for swimming.
THEROPODANtheropodan n. Theropod.
THEROPODAN n. a carnivorous dinosaur with small forelimbs (e.g. a tyrannosaurus), also THEROPOD.
GASTEROPODSgasteropods n. Plural of gasteropod.
GASTEROPOD n. any mollusc of the class Gastropoda, that includes the snails, whelks, limpets, and slugs, also GASTROPOD.
THEROPODANStheropodans n. Plural of theropodan.
THEROPODAN n. a carnivorous dinosaur with small forelimbs (e.g. a tyrannosaurus), also THEROPOD.
GASTEROPODOUSgasteropodous adj. Obsolete form of gastropodous.
GASTEROPODOUS adj. like a gasteropod.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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