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There are 13 words containing EPILEP

EPILEPSYepilepsy n. (Pathology) A medical condition in which the sufferer experiences seizures (or convulsions) and blackouts.
EPILEPSY n. a disorder of the nervous system.
EPILEPTICepileptic adj. Of or relating to epilepsy.
epileptic adj. Of or relating to an epileptic or epileptics (epileptic people).
epileptic n. (Dated sense, derogatory) A person who has epilepsy.
EPILEPSIESepilepsies n. Plural of epilepsy.
EPILEPSY n. a disorder of the nervous system.
EPILEPTICSepileptics n. Plural of epileptic.
EPILEPTIC n. one suffering from epilepsy.
EPILEPTOIDepileptoid adj. (Medicine) Resembling epilepsy.
epileptoid n. (Archaic) A person with epilepsy.
EPILEPTOID adj. resembling epilepsy; as, epileptoid convulsions.
EPILEPTICALepileptical adj. Alternative spelling of epileptic.
EPILEPTICAL adj. suffering from epilepsy, also EPILEPTIC.
ANTIEPILEPSYantiepilepsy adj. Countering epilepsy.
ANTIEPILEPSY adj. designed to combat epilepsy.
EPILEPTIFORMepileptiform adj. Of or pertaining to epilepsy, or resembling epilepsy, particularly in regard to its associated seizures.
EPILEPTIFORM adj. resembling that of epilepsy.
ANTIEPILEPTICantiepileptic adj. (Pharmacology) Acting to prevent epileptic seizures.
antiepileptic n. (Medicine) A drug which acts to prevent epileptic seizures.
ANTIEPILEPTIC n. a drug used to prevent or suppress epilepsy.
EPILEPTICALLYepileptically adv. In an epileptic manner; with, or as if with, epilepsy.
EPILEPTICAL adv. suffering from epilepsy, also EPILEPTIC.
EPILEPTOGENICepileptogenic adj. Of, pertaining to or giving rise to epileptogenesis.
EPILEPTOGENIC adj. inducing or tending to induce epilepsy.
POSTEPILEPTICpostepileptic adj. After an attack of epilepsy.
POSTEPILEPTIC adj. taking place after an epileptic fit.
ANTIEPILEPTICSantiepileptics n. Plural of antiepileptic.
ANTIEPILEPTIC n. a drug used to prevent or suppress epilepsy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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