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There are 20 words containing ENTRAN

DISENTRANCEdisentrance v. To awaken from a trance or deep sleep; to arouse from a reverie.
DISENTRANCE v. to awaken from a trance or entrancement.
DISENTRANCEDdisentranced v. Simple past tense and past participle of disentrance.
DISENTRANCE v. to awaken from a trance or entrancement.
DISENTRANCEMENTdisentrancement n. The process of awakening somebody from a trance.
DISENTRANCEMENT n. the act of disentrancing.
DISENTRANCESdisentrances v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disentrance.
DISENTRANCE v. to awaken from a trance or entrancement.
DISENTRANCINGdisentrancing v. Present participle of disentrance.
DISENTRANCE v. to awaken from a trance or entrancement.
ENTRANCEentrance n. (Countable) The action of entering, or going in.
entrance n. The act of taking possession, as of property, or of office.
entrance n. (Countable) The place of entering, as a gate or doorway.
ENTRANCEDentranced adj. Placed in a trance.
entranced adj. Held at attention, as if by magic.
entranced v. Simple past tense and past participle of entrance.
ENTRANCEMENTentrancement n. The act of entrancing or the state of being entranced.
ENTRANCEMENT n. the state of being entranced.
ENTRANCEMENTSentrancements n. Plural of entrancement.
ENTRANCEMENT n. the state of being entranced.
ENTRANCESentrances n. Plural of entrance.
entrances v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of entrance.
ENTRANCE v. to fill with delight.
ENTRANCEWAYentranceway n. Something that provides access to an entrance; an entryway.
ENTRANCEWAY n. an entrance.
ENTRANCEWAYSentranceways n. Plural of entranceway.
ENTRANCEWAY n. an entrance.
ENTRANCINGentrancing v. Present participle of entrance.
entrancing adj. Causing a trance-like state; hypnotic.
entrancing adj. Causing ecstasy or rapture; enrapturing; charming.
ENTRANCINGLYentrancingly adv. In an entrancing manner.
ENTRANCINGLY adv. in the manner of filling with delight.
ENTRANTentrant n. A participant who enters something, such as a contest.
entrant n. A newcomer.
ENTRANT n. someone who enters, also INTRANT.
ENTRANTSentrants n. Plural of entrant.
ENTRANT n. someone who enters, also INTRANT.
REENTRANCEreentrance n. A second or subsequent entrance; the act of reentering.
reëntrance n. Obsolete form of reentrance.
REENTRANCE n. reentry.
REENTRANCESreentrances n. Plural of reentrance.
reëntrances n. Plural of reëntrance.
REENTRANCE n. reentry.
REENTRANTreentrant adj. Reentering; pointing inward.
reentrant adj. (Programming, of a mutual exclusion mechanism) Such that the corresponding lock can be reacquired by…
reentrant adj. (Programming) That may be executed more than once at a time either by different threads, or because of recursion.
REENTRANTSreentrants n. Plural of reentrant.
reëntrants n. Plural of reëntrant.
REENTRANT n. something that reenters or turns in on itself.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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