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There are 13 words containing ENTISM

IMMANENTISMimmanentism n. (Philosophy, theology) A doctrine based on immanence, especially the immanence of God.
IMMANENTISM n. belief in an immanent or permanent god.
IMMANENTISMSimmanentisms n. Plural of immanentism.
IMMANENTISM n. belief in an immanent or permanent god.
INDIFFERENTISMindifferentism n. (Religion) The doctrine that all religions are equally valid.
indifferentism n. (More broadly) Relativism, agnosticism; apathy, indifference.
indifferentism n. (Countable) An expression of such a doctrine or view.
INDIFFERENTISMSindifferentisms n. Plural of indifferentism.
INDIFFERENTISM n. the belief that all religions are equally valid.
INTRANSIGENTISMintransigentism n. The principles of intransigents; refusal to compromise.
INTRANSIGENTISM n. a policy of being intransigent.
IRREDENTISMirredentism n. A nationalistic doctrine advocating the annexation of foreign lands with historic or ethnic links.
IRREDENTISM n. advocating return of what is now foreign land to the former occupants.
IRREDENTISMSirredentisms n. Plural of irredentism.
IRREDENTISM n. advocating return of what is now foreign land to the former occupants.
PRESENTISMpresentism n. (Philosophy) The view that neither the future nor the past exist (events and entities that are wholly…
presentism n. The belief that only current phenomena are relevant.
presentism n. Ahistorically interpreting past phenomena in terms of current beliefs and knowledge.
PRESENTISMSpresentisms n. Plural of presentism.
PRESENTISM n. the practice of evaluating past events and people by present-day values.
QUATTROCENTISMquattrocentism n. The art style of the quattrocentists.
QUATTROCENTISM n. the spirit of the fifteenth century in reference to Italian art and literature.
QUATTROCENTISMSQUATTROCENTISM n. the spirit of the fifteenth century in reference to Italian art and literature.
SCIENTISMscientism n. The belief that the scientific method and the assumptions and research methods of the physical sciences…
scientism n. The belief that all truth is exclusively discovered through science.
SCIENTISM n. the belief that the methods of science are universally applicable.
SCIENTISMSscientisms n. Plural of scientism.
SCIENTISM n. the belief that the methods of science are universally applicable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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