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There are 18 words containing EMONIC

ANTIMNEMONICantimnemonic adj. Hard to remember, often intentionally so.
ANTIMNEMONIC adj. tending to weaken the memory.
ANTIMNEMONIC n. something that weakens the memory.
ANTIMNEMONICSANTIMNEMONIC n. something that weakens the memory.
CACODEMONICcacodemonic adj. Demonic.
CACODEMONIC adj. like a cacodemon, an evil spirit.
DAEMONICdaemonic adj. Alternative form of demonic.
dæmonic adj. Alternative spelling of demonic.
DAEMONIC adj. having the qualities of a daemon, also DAIMONIC.
DEMONICdemonic adj. Pertaining to demons or evil spirits; demoniac.
demonic adj. Pertaining to dæmons in ancient Greek thought; concerning supernatural ‘genius’.
demonic adj. Extremely cruel or evil; abhorrent or repugnant.
DEMONICALdemonical adj. Alternative form of daemonical.
DEMONICAL adj. of or like a demon, also DEMONIACAL, DEMONIC.
DEMONICALLYdemonically adv. In a demonic way.
DEMONICAL adv. of or like a demon, also DEMONIACAL, DEMONIC.
EUDAEMONICeudaemonic adj. Of or pertaining to a eudaemon.
eudaemonic adj. That produces satisfied happiness and well-being.
eudæmonic adj. Alternative spelling of eudaemonic.
EUDAEMONICSeudaemonics n. That part of ethics that deals with happiness; the science of happiness, contrasted with aretaics.
EUDAEMONICS n. the art or theory of happiness, also EUDEMONICS.
EUDEMONICeudemonic adj. Alternative spelling of eudaemonic.
EUDEMONIC adj. relating to eudemonia.
EUDEMONICSeudemonics n. Alternative form of eudaemonics.
EUDEMONICS n. the art or theory of happiness, also EUDAEMONICS.
HEGEMONIChegemonic adj. Of or pertaining to hegemony.
HEGEMONIC adj. relating to a hegemony, also HEGEMONIAL, HEGEMONICAL.
HEGEMONICALhegemonical adj. Leading; controlling; predominant.
HEGEMONICAL adj. relating to a hegemony, also HEGEMONIAL, HEGEMONIC.
MNEMONICmnemonic adj. Especially of a series of ideas, letters, words, etc.: intended to help in remembering.
mnemonic adj. Of or relating to mnemonics (“the study of techniques for remembering anything more easily”).
mnemonic adj. Of or relating to memory.
MNEMONICALmnemonical adj. Assisting in memory; mnemonic.
MNEMONICAL adj. assisting in memory.
MNEMONICALLYmnemonically adv. Through the use of mnemonics.
mnemonically adv. As a mnemonic.
MNEMONICAL adv. assisting in memory.
MNEMONICSmnemonics n. (Plural only) The study of techniques for remembering anything more easily.
mnemonics n. Plural of mnemonic.
MNEMONIC n. a device to assist the memory.
PANDEMONICpandemonic adj. Relating to, resembling, or characteristic of, a pandemonium.
PANDEMONIC adj. pertaining to pandemonium, general tumult, also PANDEMONIAC, PANDEMONIACAL, PANDEMONIAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 52 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 18 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 59 words

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