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There are 18 words containing EGATOR

LEGATORlegator n. A donor.
LEGATOR n. a testator; one who bequeaths a legacy.
NEGATORnegator n. One who, or that which, negates.
negator n. (Grammar) A word (or other structural element) which causes negation (such as the word not in English).
NEGATOR n. one that negates, also NEGATER.
LEGATORSlegators n. Plural of legator.
LEGATOR n. a testator; one who bequeaths a legacy.
NEGATORSnegators n. Plural of negator.
NEGATOR n. one that negates, also NEGATER.
NEGATORYnegatory adj. Negative, negating.
negatory n. (Military, CB slang) No.
NEGATORY adj. expressing denial.
ABNEGATORabnegator n. (Rare) One who abnegates, denies, or rejects.
ABNEGATOR n. one who abnegates, renounce.
DELEGATORdelegator n. One who delegates.
DELEGATOR n. one who delegates.
ABNEGATORSabnegators n. Plural of abnegator.
ABNEGATOR n. one who abnegates, renounce.
AGGREGATORaggregator n. Someone or something which aggregates.
aggregator n. (Internet) An online feed reader used to keep track of updates to blogs, etc.
AGGREGATOR n. one who aggregates.
DELEGATORSdelegators n. Plural of delegator.
DELEGATOR n. one who delegates.
LEGATORIALLEGATORIAL adj. like a legator.
SEGREGATORsegregator n. One who segregates.
segregator n. A device for collecting separate samples of urine from the two kidneys.
SEGREGATOR n. one who segregates.
VARIEGATORvariegator n. One who or that which variegates.
variegator n. A machine that swirls several ice cream flavors into a single ice cream.
VARIEGATOR n. something or someone that variegates.
AGGREGATORSaggregators n. Plural of aggregator.
AGGREGATOR n. one who aggregates.
CONGREGATORcongregator n. A person who congregates or assembles.
CONGREGATOR n. one who congregates.
SEGREGATORSsegregators n. Plural of segregator.
SEGREGATOR n. one who segregates.
VARIEGATORSvariegators n. Plural of variegator.
VARIEGATOR n. something or someone that variegates.
CONGREGATORScongregators n. Plural of congregator.
CONGREGATOR n. one who congregates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 31 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 34 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 112 words

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