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There are 9 words containing ECRETO

DECRETORYdecretory adj. (Rare or obsolete) Pertaining to an authoritative decree or final judgement.
DECRETORY adj. relating to or having the force of a decree, also DECRETIVE.
NEUROSECRETORYneurosecretory adj. Of, pertaining to, or producing neurosecretion.
NEUROSECRETORY adj. relating to neurosecretion.
NONSECRETORnonsecretor n. That which is not a secretor.
NONSECRETOR n. an individual of blood group A, B, or AB who does not secrete the antigens characteristic of these blood groups.
NONSECRETORSnonsecretors n. Plural of nonsecretor.
NONSECRETOR n. an individual of blood group A, B, or AB who does not secrete the antigens characteristic of these blood groups.
NONSECRETORYnonsecretory adj. Not secretory.
NONSECRETORY adj. not secretory.
SECRETORsecretor n. A person who or animal that secretes (emits a bodily fluid).
secretor n. A person who secretes comparatively large quantities of blood-group antigens in their bodily fluids.
secretor n. (Physiology) A cell, tissue, or organ (such as a gland) that produces a bodily secretion.
SECRETORIESsecretories n. Plural of secretory.
SECRETORY n. a secretory vessel.
SECRETORSsecretors n. Plural of secretor.
SECRETOR n. one that secretes.
SECRETORYsecretory adj. Of, pertaining to, or used in secretion.
secretory n. That which secretes.
SECRETORY adj. secreting, as secretory vessels, nerves.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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