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There are 8 nine-letter words containing ENTRIC

ACENTRICSacentrics n. Plural of acentric.
ACENTRIC n. an acentric chromosome or fragment.
BICENTRICbicentric adj. (Not comparable) Having two centres.
bicentric adj. (Comparable, LGBT) Having a bisexual bias or basis.
BICENTRIC adj. having two centres.
CENTRICALcentrical adj. In or by the center; central.
centrical adj. Containing a center.
CENTRICAL adj. placed in the center or middle; central, also CENTRIC.
DICENTRICdicentric adj. (Genetics) (of a chromosome) Having two centromeres (an aberration).
dicentric n. A chromosome that has two centromeres.
DICENTRIC n. a chromosome having two centromeres.
ECCENTRICeccentric adj. Not at or in the centre; away from the centre.
eccentric adj. Not perfectly circular; elliptical.
eccentric adj. Having a different center; not concentric.
EXCENTRICexcentric adj. Alternative form of eccentric.
excentric adj. (Botany) One-sided; having the normally central portion not in the true center.
excentric n. Alternative form of eccentric (disk or wheel with off-centre axis).
GENTRICESGENTRICE n. (archaic) gentle birth, breeding.
VENTRICLEventricle n. (Anatomy, zootomy) Any small cavity within a body; a hollow part or organ, especially…
VENTRICLE n. either of the two muscular lower chambers of the heart, which pump the blood to the arteries and through the body, also VENTRICULE, VENTRICULUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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