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There are 8 fourteen-letter words containing EOMETR

ARCHAEOMETRIESARCHAEOMETRY n. the use of scientific methods in archaeology, also ARCHEOMETRY.
ARCHAEOMETRISTarchaeometrist n. A scientist whose speciality in archaeometry.
ARCHAEOMETRIST n. one who practises archaeometry.
GEOMETRISATIONgeometrisation n. Alternative spelling of geometrization.
GEOMETRISATION n. the process of geometrising, also GEOMETRIZATION.
GEOMETRIZATIONgeometrization n. The use of geometrical concepts and techniques in a different field of study, or the process of making…
geometrization n. (Mathematics) The description of a space as a geometry.
GEOMETRIZATION n. the act of geometrizing, also GEOMETRISATION.
HYPERGEOMETRIChypergeometric adj. (Mathematics) Pertaining to mathematical entities of different kinds (Series, functions, equations…
hypergeometric n. (Mathematics) Such a function, series etc.
HYPERGEOMETRIC adj. of or relating to operations or series that transcend ordinary geometrical operations or series.
NONGEOMETRICALnongeometrical adj. Not geometrical.
NONGEOMETRICAL adj. not geometrical.
STEREOMETRICALstereometrical adj. Synonym of stereometric.
STEREOMETRICAL adj. relating to the measurement of specific gravity, also STEREOMETRIC.
TACHEOMETRICALTACHEOMETRICAL adj. relating to tacheometry, the rapid measurement of points on a survey, such as distance, elevation, etc., also TACHEOMETRIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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