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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing ERLING

BITTERLINGSbitterlings n. Plural of bitterling.
BITTERLING n. a roach-like European fish.
CAMERLINGOSCAMERLINGO n. (Italian) the papal chamberlain; the cardinal who presides over the pope's household, also CAMERLENGO.
CHITTERLINGchitterling n. (Obsolete) The frill to the breast of a shirt.
chitterling n. A single piece of chitterlings (intestine used as food).
CHITTERLING n. part of the small intestine of swine, also CHITLIN, CHITLING.
DAPPERLINGSdapperlings n. Plural of dapperling.
DAPPERLING n. (archaic) a dapper little fellow.
EASTERLINGSEasterlings n. Plural of Easterling.
EASTERLING n. a native of the east; a trader from the Baltic.
FINGERLINGSfingerlings n. Plural of fingerling.
FINGERLING n. a salmon parr or young trout less than a year old.
FOSTERLINGSfosterlings n. Plural of fosterling.
FOSTERLING n. a foster child.
HINDERLINGShinderlings n. Plural of hinderling.
INTERLINGUAinterlingua n. An interlanguage.
Interlingua prop.n. A constructed interlanguage based on Romance languages, English, German, Russian and Latin, developed…
Interlingua prop.n. Latino sine flexione, a simplified version of Latin by Giuseppe Peano.
NETHERLINGSnetherlings n. Plural of netherling.
NETHERLINGS n. stockings.
NIDDERLINGSnidderlings n. Plural of nidderling.
NIDDERLING n. an infamous person; an abject coward, also NIDDERING, NIDERING, NIDERLING, NIDING, NITHING.
SANDERLINGSsanderlings n. Plural of sanderling.
SANDERLING n. a small gray and brown sandpiper.
SCATTERLINGscatterling n. (Obsolete) One who has no fixed residence; a vagabond.
SCATTERLING n. (archaic) a vagrant.
SILVERLINGSsilverlings n. Plural of silverling.
SILVERLING n. in the Bible, a small silver coin.
TENDERLINGStenderlings n. Plural of tenderling.
TENDERLING n. one made tender by too much kindness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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