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There are 15 ten-letter words containing EPARAT

INSEPARATEinseparate adj. (Obsolete) Not separate; together; united.
INSEPARATE adj. (archaic) not separate.
PREPARATORpreparator n. A person who prepares specimens or exhibits.
PREPARATOR n. one who prepares beforehand, as subjects for dissection, specimens for preservation in collections, etc.
REPARATIONreparation n. (Usually in the plural) A payment of time, effort or money to compensate for past transgression(s).
reparation n. (Archaic) The act of renewing, restoring, etc., or the state of being renewed or repaired.
REPARATION n. a repairing or keeping in repair.
REPARATIVEreparative adj. Tending to or intended to repair.
reparative adj. Of, pertaining to, or being a reparation.
reparative n. (Rare) That which repairs.
REPARATORYreparatory adj. Relating to repair or reparation.
REPARATORY adj. related to reparation.
SEPARATELYseparately adv. In a separate manner; not together; apart.
SEPARATE adv. apart.
SEPARATINGseparating v. Present participle and gerund of separate.
separating n. An instance of separating.
separating adj. (Zipper) Capable of being opened and having its two sided completely detached from one another rather…
SEPARATIONseparation n. The act of disuniting two or more things, or the condition of being separated.
separation n. The act or condition of two or more people being separated from one another.
separation n. The act or condition of a married couple living in separate homes while remaining legally married.
SEPARATISMseparatism n. A theory or doctrine which supports a state of separation between organizations, institutions, or other…
separatism n. The practice of treating members of different societal groups in a politically, legally, or economically…
SEPARATISM n. a belief in, movement for, or state of separation, also SEPARATIONISM.
SEPARATISTseparatist n. Someone who advocates separation from the established Church; a member of any of various sects or schismatics.
separatist n. A person who advocates or seeks the splitting of one country or territory into two politically independent…
separatist adj. Advocating ecclesiastical separation.
SEPARATIVEseparative adj. Serving to separate.
separative adj. (Rare) Tending to keep oneself separate from others.
separative n. Something that serves to separate.
SEPARATORSseparators n. Plural of separator.
SEPARATOR n. something that separates.
SEPARATORYseparatory adj. Used to separate.
separatory n. (Obsolete, chemistry) An apparatus used in separating, such as a separating funnel.
separatory n. (Obsolete, surgery) A surgical instrument for separating the pericranium from the cranium.
SEPARATRIXseparatrix n. (Typography, historical) The ⟨L⟩ or pipe ⟨|⟩ mark formerly used to divide integers from decimals.
separatrix n. (Typography, obsolete) Synonym of decimal point, which replaced such marks.
separatrix n. (Typography) The proofreader’s mark resembling a slash ⟨ / ⟩ or vertical bar ⟨ | ⟩ placed after a note…
SEPARATUMSSEPARATUM n. a separate offprint.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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