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There are 14 words containing ETAME

METAMERmetamer n. (Chemistry) Any of a number of molecules that mutually exhibit metamerism.
metamer n. (Psychology) One of multiple physically distinct stimuli (particularly those of colour) that exhibit metamerism.
METAMER n. a compound metameric with another.
METAMEREmetamere n. (Biology) One of successive or homodynamous parts in animals and plants; one of a series of similar…
METAMERE n. one of the similar body segments into which earthworms, crayfish, and similar animals are divided longitudinally.
METAMERSmetamers n. Plural of metamer.
METAMER n. a compound metameric with another.
METAMERALmetameral adj. Metameric.
METAMERAL adj. relating to a metamere, a serial division or segmentation of a body, also METAMERIC.
METAMERESmetameres n. Plural of metamere.
METAMERE n. one of the similar body segments into which earthworms, crayfish, and similar animals are divided longitudinally.
METAMERICmetameric adj. (Biology, anatomy) Exhibiting metamerism.
metameric adj. (Obsolete, chemistry) Exhibiting structural isomerism.
METAMERIC adj. relating to a metamere, a serial division or segmentation of a body, also METAMERAL.
PETAMETERpetameter n. (US) (metrology) An SI unit of length equal to 1015 meters; alternative spelling of petametre.
PETAMETER n. ten to the power of fifteen metres, also PETAMETRE.
PETAMETREpetametre n. Britain spelling of petameter.
PETAMETRE n. ten to the power of fifteen metres, also PETAMETER.
METAMERISMmetamerism n. (Biology) The segmentation of the body into similar discrete units.
metamerism n. (Psychology) The matching of a perceived attribute between objects with differing physical attributes.
metamerism n. (Chemistry) Structural isomerism.
PETAMETERSpetameters n. Plural of petameter.
PETAMETER n. ten to the power of fifteen metres, also PETAMETRE.
PETAMETRESpetametres n. Plural of petametre.
PETAMETRE n. ten to the power of fifteen metres, also PETAMETER.
METAMERISMSmetamerisms n. Plural of metamerism.
METAMERISM n. a particular form of isomerism in which different groups are attached to the same central atom.
NONMETAMERICnonmetameric adj. Not metameric.
NONMETAMERIC adj. not metameric.
METAMERICALLYmetamerically adv. In a metameric manner.
METAMERIC adv. relating to a metamere, a serial division or segmentation of a body, also METAMERAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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