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There are 15 words containing ESTAR

BESTARbestar v. (Transitive, archaic) To sprinkle with, or as with, stars; to adorn or decorate with, or as with, stars.
Be␣star n. (Astronomy) A star of spectral type B that shows emission lines in its spectrum.
BESTAR v. to cover with stars.
BESTARREDbestarred v. Simple past tense and past participle of bestar.
BESTAR v. to cover with stars.
BESTARRINGbestarring v. Present participle of bestar.
BESTAR v. to cover with stars.
BESTARSbestars v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bestar.
Be␣stars n. Plural of Be star.
BESTAR v. to cover with stars.
LODESTARlodestar n. A star used as a navigation reference, particularly a pole star such as Polaris.
lodestar n. (Figurative) A guiding tenet or principle.
lodestar n. (Law) A calculated amount to award as attorney’s fees derived by multiplying the reasonable number of…
LODESTARSlodestars n. Plural of lodestar.
LODESTAR n. a star used as a point of reference, also LOADSTAR.
POLESTARpolestar n. Alternative form of pole star.
pole␣star n. (Astronomy) The star nearest a celestial pole of a planet.
pole␣star n. (Figurative) A guide or guiding principle.
POLESTARSpolestars n. Plural of polestar.
pole␣stars n. Plural of pole star.
POLESTAR n. a guiding principle.
RESTARTrestart n. The act of starting something again.
restart v. (Transitive, intransitive) To start again.
restart v. (Computing) To reboot.
RESTARTABLErestartable adj. Capable of being restarted.
RESTARTABLE adj. capable of being restarted.
RESTARTEDrestarted v. Simple past tense and past participle of restart.
RESTART v. to start again.
RESTARTERrestarter n. One who or that which restarts.
RESTARTER n. something or someone that restarts.
RESTARTERSrestarters n. Plural of restarter.
RESTARTER n. something or someone that restarts.
RESTARTINGrestarting v. Present participle of restart.
RESTART v. to start again.
RESTARTSrestarts n. Plural of restart.
restarts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of restart.
RESTART v. to start again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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