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There are 13 words containing ESPRE

BESPREADbespread v. (Transitive) To spread over; to cover with.
BESPREAD v. to spread over.
BESPRENTbesprent v. Simple past tense and past participle of besprenge.
besprent adj. (Archaic) besprinkled.
BESPRENT adj. (obsolete) sprinkled over.
ESPRESSOespresso n. A concentrated coffee beverage brewed by forcing hot water under high pressure through finely ground coffee.
espresso n. A drink that includes espresso as an ingredient.
ESPRESSO n. (Italian) a strong coffee, also EXPRESSO.
RESPREADrespread v. To spread again.
re-spread v. Alternative spelling of respread.
RESPREAD v. to spread again.
BESPREADSbespreads v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bespread.
BESPREAD v. to spread over.
ESPRESSOSespressos n. Plural of espresso.
ESPRESSO n. (Italian) a strong coffee, also EXPRESSO.
RESPREADSrespreads v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of respread.
re-spreads v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of re-spread.
RESPREAD v. to spread again.
ESPRESSIVOespressivo adv. (Music) To be played in an expressive manner.
ESPRESSIVO adv. (Italian) in an expressive way.
WIDESPREADwidespread adj. Affecting a large area (e.g. the entire land or body); broad in extent; widely diffused.
wide-spread adj. Alternative spelling of widespread.
WIDESPREAD adj. widely diffused or prevalent.
BESPREADINGbespreading v. Present participle of bespread.
BESPREAD v. to spread over.
RESPREADINGrespreading v. Present participle of respread.
re-spreading v. Present participle of re-spread.
RESPREAD v. to spread again.
CLOTHESPRESSclothespress n. A receptacle for clothes.
clothes␣press n. A device consisting of two heated panels that can be closed together used to smooth out wrinkles in clothes.
clothes␣press n. (Formerly) A wardrobe or closet in which clothes are kept.
CLOTHESPRESSESclothespresses n. Plural of clothespress.
clothes␣presses n. Plural of clothes press.
CLOTHESPRESS n. a receptacle for clothes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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