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There are 19 words containing ESITE

RESITEresite v. To move to another site or place.
RESITE v. to move to a different locality.
COESITEcoesite n. (Mineralogy) A high-pressure polymorph of silica found in extreme conditions such as the impact craters…
COESITE n. a type of silica.
RESITEDresited v. Simple past tense and past participle of resite.
RESITE v. to move to a different locality.
RESITESresites v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of resite.
RESITE v. to move to a different locality.
ANDESITEandesite n. (Geology) Any of a class of fine-grained intermediate igneous rock, of volcanic origin, containing mostly…
ANDESITE n. a volcanic rock found in the Andes, also ANDESYTE.
COESITEScoesites n. Plural of coesite.
COESITE n. a type of silica.
HOMESITEhomesite n. The plot of land on which a house is or can be built.
HOMESITE n. one's own site on the Internet.
ANDESITESandesites n. Plural of andesite.
ANDESITE n. a volcanic rock found in the Andes, also ANDESYTE.
ANGLESITEanglesite n. (Mineralogy) A crystalline mineral form of lead sulfate, PbSO4, formed by the weathering of galena.
ANGLESITE n. a native sulphate of lead, occurring in white or yellowish transparent, prismatic crystals.
GRAVESITEgravesite n. The location of a grave.
gravesite n. A grave. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
GRAVESITE n. the site of a grave.
HOMESITEShomesites n. Plural of homesite.
HOMESITE n. one's own site on the Internet.
KERMESITEkermesite n. (Mineralogy) A triclinic-pinacoidal mineral containing antimony, oxygen, and sulfur.
KERMESITE n. a cherry-red mineral, antimony oxysulphide.
MAGNESITEmagnesite n. (Mineralogy) A form of magnesium carbonate, MgCO3, occurring as dolomite (with calcite) but rarely found…
MAGNESITE n. native magnesium carbonate, occurring in white compact or granular masses.
ANGLESITESanglesites n. Plural of anglesite.
ANGLESITE n. a native sulphate of lead, occurring in white or yellowish transparent, prismatic crystals.
GRAVESITESgravesites n. Plural of gravesite.
GRAVESITE n. the site of a grave.
KERMESITESkermesites n. Plural of kermesite.
KERMESITE n. a cherry-red mineral, antimony oxysulphide.
MAGNESITESmagnesites n. Plural of magnesite.
MAGNESITE n. native magnesium carbonate, occurring in white compact or granular masses.
BASTNAESITEbastnaesite n. (Mineralogy) A yellow-brown mineral that is a source of several rare earth metals, especially gadolinium…
BASTNAESITE n. (Swedish) a reddish-brown fluorite of cerium, also BASTNASITE.
BASTNAESITESbastnaesites n. Plural of bastnaesite.
BASTNAESITE n. (Swedish) a reddish-brown fluorite of cerium, also BASTNASITE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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