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There are 18 words containing ESINE

ANDESINEβ€’ andesine n. (Mineralogy) Sodium calcium aluminum silicate, (π‘π‘Žπ‘₯πΆπ‘Žπ‘₯𝐴𝑙𝑆𝑖3𝑂8), a plagioclase feldspar, the third member…
β€’ ANDESINE n. a kind of triclinic feldspar found in the Andes.
ANDESINESβ€’ andesines n. Plural of andesine.
β€’ ANDESINE n. a kind of triclinic feldspar found in the Andes.
CERESINEβ€’ ceresine n. Alternative form of ceresin.
β€’ ceresine adj. (Entomology) Related to treehoppers of the tribe Ceresini.
β€’ CERESINE n. a kind of hard, whitish wax prepared from ozokerite and used as a substitute for beeswax, also CERESIN.
CERESINESβ€’ ceresines n. Plural of ceresine.
β€’ CERESINE n. a kind of hard, whitish wax prepared from ozokerite and used as a substitute for beeswax, also CERESIN.
CHEESINESSβ€’ cheesiness n. The quality, condition, or state of being cheesy.
β€’ CHEESINESS n. the quality of being cheesy.
CHEESINESSESβ€’ CHEESINESS n. the quality of being cheesy.
CUTESINESSβ€’ cutesiness n. The state or property of being cutesy.
CUTESINESSESβ€’ cutesinesses n. Plural of cutesiness.
DESINEβ€’ DESINE v. (Spenser) to plan in outline, also DESIGN, DESYNE.
DESINEDβ€’ DESINE v. (Spenser) to plan in outline, also DESIGN, DESYNE.
DESINENCEβ€’ desinence n. (Linguistics) A suffix used as an inflection; an ending; inflectional suffix.
β€’ DESINENCE n. an ending or termination, especially the terminal inflection of a word.
DESINENCESβ€’ desinences n. Plural of desinence.
β€’ DESINENCE n. an ending or termination, especially the terminal inflection of a word.
DESINENTβ€’ desinent adj. (Obsolete) Ending; forming an end; lowermost.
β€’ DESINENT adj. terminal; ending, also DESINENTIAL.
DESINENTIALβ€’ desinential adj. Terminal.
β€’ desinential adj. (Linguistics) consisting of desinences or grammatical endings.
β€’ DESINENTIAL adj. terminal; ending, also DESINENT.
DESINESβ€’ DESINE v. (Spenser) to plan in outline, also DESIGN, DESYNE.
RESINEDβ€’ resined v. Simple past tense and past participle of resin.
β€’ RESIN v. to impregnate with resin.
RESINERβ€’ resiner n. (Historical) A person employed in collecting resin from trees.
β€’ RESINER n. a resin gatherer.
RESINERSβ€’ resiners n. Plural of resiner.
β€’ RESINER n. a resin gatherer.

Scrabble words β€” in black are valid world wide β€” in RED are not valid in North America β€” in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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