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There are 18 words containing ESIES

BLUESIESTbluesiest adj. Superlative form of bluesy: most bluesy.
BLUESY adj. resembling blues music.
CHEESIESTcheesiest adj. Superlative form of cheesy: most cheesy.
CHEESY adj. resembling a food made from milk curds.
COURTESIEScourtesies n. Plural of courtesy.
COURTESY v. to curtsey.
CRAMESIEScramesies n. Plural of cramesy.
CURTESIESCURTESY n. the lifetime right of a husband to a deceased wife's property.
CUTESIESTcutesiest adj. Superlative form of cutesy: most cutesy.
CUTESY adj. (US) affectedly cute, also CUTESIE.
DISCOURTESIESdiscourtesies n. Plural of discourtesy.
DISCOURTESY n. lack of courtesy.
GAMESIESTGAMESY adj. keen on sports.
GEODESIESgeodesies n. Plural of geodesy.
GEODESY n. the branch of mathematics that deals with the shape and area of the earth.
HERESIESheresies n. Plural of heresy.
HERESY n. a belief contrary to church doctrine.
KNEESIESkneesies n. Flirtatious touching using the knee(s).
kneesies n. Plural of kneesie.
KNEESIES n. flirtatious touching of knees under the table.
MALVESIESmalvesies n. Plural of malvesie.
MALVESIE n. a strong sweet wine, also MALMSEY, MALVOISIE.
ONESIESonesies n. Plural of onesie.
onesies n. A call in any childrens game, such as jacks, where one action must be performed.
ONESIE n. a soft, loose-fitting, one-piece garment worn by adults for sleeping or lounging.
PALINGENESIESPALINGENESY n. the remelting of rock followed by solidification into a different form, also PALINGENESIA, PALINGENESIS.
PHORESIESphoresies n. Plural of phoresy.
PHORESY n. a symbiotic relationship between some arthropods and fishes.
POESIESpoesies n. Plural of poesy.
POESY v. to utter poetry.
PROPHESIESprophesies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prophesy.
PROPHESY v. to predict.
TROPHESIEStrophesies n. Plural of trophesy.
TROPHESY n. a state of diseased nutrition due to disorder of the trophic action of the nerves.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 36 words
  • Scrabble in French: 54 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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