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There are 11 words containing ERISC

PERISCIANperiscian adj. Having the shadow moving all around.
periscian n. One of those who live within a polar circle, whose shadows, during some summer days, will move entirely…
PERISCIAN n. a person living inside the polar circle.
PERISCOPEperiscope n. A form of viewing device that allows the viewer to see things at a different height level and usually…
periscope n. (Obsolete): A general or comprehensive view.
periscope v. (Intransitive) To rise and peer around, in the manner of a periscope.
XERISCAPExeriscape n. A kind of landscape design for arid regions, minimising the need for irrigation.
xeriscape v. To landscape in a water-friendly manner.
XERISCAPE v. (tradename) to landscape (an arid place) in a way that conserves by using plants that require little water.
PERISCIANSperiscians n. Plural of periscian.
PERISCIAN n. a person living inside the polar circle.
PERISCOPESperiscopes n. Plural of periscope.
PERISCOPE n. a device (e.g. a tube with mirrors) by which an observer can look at something which is not in the direct line of sight.
PERISCOPICperiscopic adj. Relating to periscopes and their use.
PERISCOPIC adj. viewing all around, or on all sides.
XERISCAPEDxeriscaped v. Simple past tense and past participle of xeriscape.
XERISCAPE v. (tradename) to landscape (an arid place) in a way that conserves by using plants that require little water.
XERISCAPESxeriscapes n. Plural of xeriscape.
xeriscapes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of xeriscape.
XERISCAPE v. (tradename) to landscape (an arid place) in a way that conserves by using plants that require little water.
XERISCAPINGxeriscaping n. Landscaping in ways that do not require supplemental irrigation.
xeriscaping v. Present participle of xeriscape.
XERISCAPE v. (tradename) to landscape (an arid place) in a way that conserves by using plants that require little water.
SCHWARMERISCHSCHWARMERISCH adj. (German) showing schwarmerei, excessive or unwholesome sentiment.
PERISCOPICALLYperiscopically adv. Using a periscope.
periscopically adv. With a similar movement to that of a periscope.
PERISCOPIC adv. viewing all around, or on all sides.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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