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There are 18 words containing ERGOT

ERGOTergot n. Any fungus in the genus Claviceps which are parasitic on grasses.
ergot n. The sclerotium (wintering stage) of certain fungi in the genus Claviceps, appearing as a deformed grain…
ERGOT n. a fungal disease of grasses.
ERGOTAMINEergotamine n. (Organic chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology) An alkaloid, extracted from ergot, that causes constriction…
ERGOTAMINE n. an alkaloid from ergot used in the treatment of migraine.
ERGOTAMINESergotamines n. Plural of ergotamine.
ERGOTAMINE n. an alkaloid from ergot used in the treatment of migraine.
ERGOTICergotic adj. Pertaining to, or derived from, ergot.
ERGOTIC adj. pertaining to, or derived from, ergot; as, ergotic acid.
ERGOTISEergotise v. Alternative form of ergotize.
ERGOTISE v. to affect with ergot, also ERGOTIZE.
ERGOTISEDergotised v. Simple past tense and past participle of ergotise.
ERGOTISE v. to affect with ergot, also ERGOTIZE.
ERGOTISESergotises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ergotise.
ERGOTISE v. to affect with ergot, also ERGOTIZE.
ERGOTISINGergotising v. Present participle of ergotise.
ERGOTISE v. to affect with ergot, also ERGOTIZE.
ERGOTISMergotism n. The plant disease caused by ergot.
ergotism n. The effect of long-term ergot poisoning, traditionally due to the ingestion of the alkaloids produced…
ergotism n. The usage of ergot infested grain to poison animals.
ERGOTISMSergotisms n. Plural of ergotism.
ERGOTISM n. poisoning by eating ergot-infected grain.
ERGOTIZEergotize v. (Transitive) To affect with ergot.
ERGOTIZE v. to affect with ergot, also ERGOTISE.
ERGOTIZEDergotized adj. Affected by the ergot fungus.
ERGOTIZE v. to affect with ergot, also ERGOTISE.
ERGOTIZESergotizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ergotize.
ERGOTIZE v. to affect with ergot, also ERGOTISE.
ERGOTIZINGergotizing v. Present participle of ergotize.
ERGOTIZE v. to affect with ergot, also ERGOTISE.
ERGOTSergots n. Plural of ergot.
ERGOT n. a fungal disease of grasses.
OVERGOTovergot v. Simple past tense and past participle of overget.
OVERGET v. to get over, recover from.
SHERGOTTITEshergottite n. (Geology) A type of meteorite composed of lava from a planet other than Earth.
SHERGOTTITE n. a type of meteorite, composed of solidified lava from celestial bodies other than earth.
SHERGOTTITESshergottites n. Plural of shergottite.
SHERGOTTITE n. a type of meteorite, composed of solidified lava from celestial bodies other than earth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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