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There are 14 words containing ERGON

ERGONergon n. (Physics) Work, measured in terms of the quantity of heat to which it is equivalent.
ergon n. (Classical philosophy) A task or function of a creature.
ERGON n. (Greek) work or business.
ERGONSergons n. Plural of ergon.
ERGON n. (Greek) work or business.
OVERGONEovergone v. Past participle of overgo.
OVERGO v. to travel over.
PARERGONparergon n. A piece of work that is supplementary to or a byproduct of a larger work.
PARERGON n. (Greek) a piece of work undertaken in addition to one's principal employment.
ERGONOMICergonomic adj. Of or relating to the science of ergonomics.
ergonomic adj. Designed for comfort or to minimize fatigue.
ERGONOMIC adj. of or pertaining to ergonomics; (designed to be) conducive to efficient use.
EXERGONICexergonic adj. (Chemistry, of a reaction) Releasing energy (especially as heat).
EXERGONIC adj. of a biochemical reaction, accompanied by the release of energy and therefore capable of proceeding spontaneously.
UNDERGONEundergone v. Past participle of undergo.
UNDERGO v. to be subjected to.
ENDERGONICendergonic adj. (Chemistry) Describing a reaction that absorbs (heat) energy from its environment.
ENDERGONIC adj. requiring energy.
ERGONOMICSergonomics n. The science of the design of equipment, especially so as to reduce operator fatigue, discomfort and injury.
ergonomics n. (Economics, rare) Political economy.
ERGONOMICS n. the study of people at work.
ERGONOMISTergonomist n. An expert in ergonomics.
ERGONOMIST n. one who engages in ergonomics, the study of people at work.
ERGONOVINEergonovine n. Ergometrine.
ERGONOVINE n. an alkaloid derived from ergot used in the treatment of migraines.
ERGONOMISTSergonomists n. Plural of ergonomist.
ERGONOMIST n. one who engages in ergonomics, the study of people at work.
ERGONOVINESergonovines n. Plural of ergonovine.
ERGONOVINE n. an alkaloid derived from ergot used in the treatment of migraines.
ERGONOMICALLYergonomically adv. In an ergonomic manner.
ergonomically adv. Using ergonomics.
ERGONOMIC adv. of or pertaining to ergonomics; (designed to be) conducive to efficient use.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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