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There are 17 words containing ERESE

APHAERESESaphaereses n. Plural of aphaeresis.
aphæreses n. Plural of aphæresis.
APHAERESIS n. the omission of a letter, sound or syllable at the beginning of a word, e.g. as knife becoming nife, also APHERESIS.
APHERESESaphereses n. Plural of apheresis.
APHERESIS n. the omission of a letter, sound or syllable at the beginning of a word, e.g. as knife becoming nife, also APHAERESIS.
COMPUTERESEcomputerese n. (Informal, dated) The jargon associated with computers.
COMPUTERESE n. the jargon used by people who deal with computers.
COMPUTERESESCOMPUTERESE n. the jargon used by people who deal with computers.
DIAERESESdiaereses n. Plural of diaeresis.
diæreses n. Plural of diæresis.
DIAERESIS n. (Greek) the separation or resolution of one syllable into two, also DIERESIS.
DIERESESdiereses n. Plural of dieresis.
DIERESIS n. (Greek) the separation of two vowels into two syllables.
HYPHAERESESSorry, definition not available.
HYSTERESEShystereses n. Plural of hysteresis.
HYSTERESIS n. the retardation or lagging of an effect behind the cause of the effect.
MOTHERESEmotherese n. Baby talk.
MOTHERESE n. a simplified and repetitive type of speech used by adults in speaking to babies.
MOTHERESESMOTHERESE n. a simplified and repetitive type of speech used by adults in speaking to babies.
PHERESESphereses n. Plural of pheresis.
PHERESIS n. a specialised form of blood donation, removing some components, and returning the remaining blood to the donor.
PLASMAPHERESESplasmaphereses n. Plural of plasmapheresis.
PLASMAPHERESIS n. the process of separating plasma from red blood cells in blood from donor, and returning red blood cells to donor.
SYNAERESESsynaereses n. Plural of synaeresis.
synæreses n. Plural of synæresis.
SYNAERESIS n. the running together of vowels into a diphthong, also SYNERESIS.
SYNDERESESSYNDERESIS n. conscience as a guide to action; intuitive moral knowledge, also SYNTERESIS.
SYNERESESsynereses n. Plural of syneresis.
SYNERESIS n. the running together of vowels into a diphthong, also SYNAERESIS.
SYNTERESESSYNTERESIS n. conscience as a guide to action; intuitive moral knowledge, also SYNDERESIS.
TERESESTERES n. (Latin) either of two muscles of the shoulder-blade.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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