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There are 8 words containing EREDO

REREDORTERreredorter n. A latrine situated at the rear of a medieval monastery or convent.
rere-dorter n. Alternative form of reredorter.
REREDORTER n. (historical) a lavatory built behind a monastic dormitory.
REREDORTERSreredorters n. Plural of reredorter.
rere-dorters n. Plural of rere-dorter.
REREDORTER n. (historical) a lavatory built behind a monastic dormitory.
REREDOSreredos n. (Chiefly Western Christianity) A screen or decoration behind the altar in a church, usually depicting…
reredos n. The back of an open fire-hearth, in medieval halls.
REREDOS n. a screen or panelling behind an altar or seat, also REREDOSSE.
REREDOSESreredoses n. Plural of reredos.
REREDOS n. a screen or panelling behind an altar or seat, also REREDOSSE.
REREDOSSEreredosse n. Archaic form of reredos.
REREDOSSE n. a screen or panelling behind an altar or seat, also REREDOS.
REREDOSSESreredosses n. Plural of reredosse.
REREDOS n. a screen or panelling behind an altar or seat, also REREDOSSE.
TEREDOteredo n. (Zoology) A mollusc of the genus Teredo, especially the shipworm, Teredo navalis.
Teredo prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Teredinidae – shipworms.
TEREDO n. (Latin) a bivalve mollusk.
TEREDOSteredos n. Plural of teredo.
TEREDO n. (Latin) a bivalve mollusk.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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