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There are 8 words containing ERDER

HERDERherder n. One who herds.
HERDER n. one who tends a herd.
HERDERSherders n. Plural of herder.
HERDER n. one who tends a herd.
VERDERERverderer n. (Britain) An official in charge of a royal forest; in modern times, still extant in the New Forest and…
VERDERER n. (historical) an officer in charge of the royal forests in England, also VERDEROR.
VERDERORverderor n. Alternative form of verderer.
VERDEROR n. an officer in charge of the royal forests in England, also VERDERER.
VERDERERSverderers n. Plural of verderer.
VERDERER n. (historical) an officer in charge of the royal forests in England, also VERDEROR.
VERDERORSverderors n. Plural of verderor.
VERDEROR n. an officer in charge of the royal forests in England, also VERDERER.
SHEEPHERDERsheepherder n. A person who herds sheep; a shepherd.
SHEEPHERDER n. a worker in charge of sheep esp. on open range.
SHEEPHERDERSsheepherders n. Plural of sheepherder.
SHEEPHERDER n. a worker in charge of sheep esp. on open range.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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