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There are 15 words containing ERDAS

BALDERDASHbalderdash n. Senseless talk or writing; nonsense.
balderdash n. (Archaic) A worthless mixture, especially of liquors.
balderdash n. (Obsolete) Obscene language or writing.
BALDERDASHESbalderdashes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of balderdash.
BALDERDASH n. nonsense, drivel.
BERDASHberdash n. Alternative form of berdache.
berdash n. A kind of neckcloth.
BERDASH n. (French) an American Indian transvestite, also BERDACHE.
BERDASHESberdashes n. Plural of berdash.
BERDASH n. (French) an American Indian transvestite, also BERDACHE.
HABERDASHERhaberdasher n. A dealer in ribbons, buttons, thread, needles and similar sewing goods.
haberdasher n. (US) A men’s outfitter.
haberdasher n. (Britain) A member of the Worshipful Company of Haberdashers, a livery company.
HABERDASHERIEShaberdasheries n. Plural of haberdashery.
HABERDASHERY n. a shop selling small sewing articles.
HABERDASHERShaberdashers n. Plural of haberdasher.
HABERDASHER n. a dealer in men's clothing; a dealer in small sewing articles.
HABERDASHERYhaberdashery n. Ribbons, buttons, thread, needles and similar sewing goods sold in a haberdasher’s shop.
haberdashery n. A shop selling such goods.
haberdashery n. A shop selling clothing and accessories for men, including hats.
INTERDASHinterdash v. (Transitive) To intersperse.
INTERDASH v. to dash between or among; to intersperse.
INTERDASHEDinterdashed v. Simple past tense and past participle of interdash.
INTERDASH v. to dash between or among; to intersperse.
INTERDASHESinterdashes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of interdash.
INTERDASH v. to dash between or among; to intersperse.
INTERDASHINGinterdashing v. Present participle of interdash.
INTERDASH v. to dash between or among; to intersperse.
SPATTERDASHspatterdash n. A cement-based slurry applied to a wall in order to improve adhesion of the render.
spatterdash n. Singular of spatterdashes (“type of boots”).
spatterdash v. (Transitive) To apply spatterdash to.
SPATTERDASHESspatterdashes n. Coverings for the legs, to protect them from water and mud; long gaiters.
SPATTERDASH n. an old type of long gaiter or legging to protect the trousers from mud.
ZERDASzerdas n. Plural of zerda.
ZERDA n. (Arabic) a desert fox, aka fennec.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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