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There are 10 words containing ERANO

PTERANODONpteranodon n. A member of Pteranodon, a genus of large pterosaurs, the males of which had a bony crest on the back of the head.
PTERANODON n. a toothless flying reptile of the Cretaceous period with a hornlike crest.
DEUTERANOPEdeuteranope n. One who has deuteranopia.
DEUTERANOPE n. an individual affected with deuteranopia, red-green colour-blindness.
PTERANODONSpteranodons n. Plural of pteranodon.
PTERANODON n. a toothless flying reptile of the Cretaceous period with a hornlike crest.
DEUTERANOPESdeuteranopes n. Plural of deuteranope.
DEUTERANOPE n. an individual affected with deuteranopia, red-green colour-blindness.
DEUTERANOPIAdeuteranopia n. A form of color blindness in which the retina is deficient in or lacks cone cells containing opsins…
DEUTERANOPIA n. red-green colour-blindness.
DEUTERANOPICdeuteranopic adj. Exhibiting, or relating to, deuteranopia.
DEUTERANOPIC adj. relating to deuteranopia, red-green colour-blindness.
DEUTERANOMALYdeuteranomaly n. (Ophthalmology) A form of anomalous trichromacy involving a reduction in sensitivity to the green area…
DEUTERANOMALY n. the state of being deuteranomalous.
DEUTERANOPIASdeuteranopias n. Plural of deuteranopia.
DEUTERANOPIA n. red-green colour-blindness.
DEUTERANOMALIESdeuteranomalies n. Plural of deuteranomaly.
DEUTERANOMALY n. the state of being deuteranomalous.
DEUTERANOMALOUSdeuteranomalous adj. Having or relating to deuteranomaly.
DEUTERANOMALOUS adj. exhibiting partial loss of green color vision so that an increased intensity of green is required in a mixture of red and green to match a given yellow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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