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There are 14 words containing EPIDI

EPIDIASCOPEepidiascope n. A machine that projects images onto a screen.
EPIDIASCOPE n. an instrument for projecting images of objects.
EPIDIASCOPESepidiascopes n. Plural of epidiascope.
EPIDIASCOPE n. an instrument for projecting images of objects.
EPIDICTICepidictic adj. Serving to explain; demonstrative.
EPIDICTIC adj. designed to display something, esp. the skill of the speaker in rhetoric, also EPIDEICTIC, EPIDEICTICAL.
EPIDIDYMALepididymal adj. Of, in or pertaining to the epididymis, the tube in male mammals which connects the efferent ducts from…
EPIDIDYMAL adj. relating to the epididymis, a mass of sperm-carrying tubes at the back of the testis.
EPIDIDYMIDESepididymides n. Plural of epididymis.
EPIDIDYMIS n. a mass of sperm-carrying tubes at the back of the testis.
EPIDIDYMISepididymis n. (Anatomy) A narrow, tightly-coiled tube connecting the efferent ducts from the rear of each testicle…
EPIDIDYMIS n. a mass of sperm-carrying tubes at the back of the testis.
EPIDIDYMITISepididymitis n. (Pathology) inflammation of the epididymis.
EPIDIDYMITIS n. inflammation of an epididymis.
EPIDIDYMITISESEPIDIDYMITIS n. inflammation of an epididymis.
EPIDIORITEepidiorite n. A greenish metamorphic rock composed of plagioclase and hornblende.
EPIDIORITE n. a dioritic or gabbroitic rock more or less metamorphosed.
EPIDIORITESepidiorites n. Plural of epidiorite.
EPIDIORITE n. a dioritic or gabbroitic rock more or less metamorphosed.
INTREPIDITIESintrepidities n. Plural of intrepidity.
INTREPIDITY n. the state of being intrepid.
INTREPIDITYintrepidity n. The quality of being intrepid; bravery.
INTREPIDITY n. the state of being intrepid.
TEPIDITIEStepidities n. Plural of tepidity.
TEPIDITY n. the state of being tepid.
TEPIDITYtepidity n. The property of being tepid.
TEPIDITY n. the state of being tepid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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