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There are 16 words containing EOVER

ANTITAKEOVERantitakeover adj. (Business) Countering a corporate takeover.
ANTITAKEOVER adj. against a takeover.
CHANGEOVERchangeover n. A conversion or transition from one thing to another.
change␣over v. (Transitive, idiomatic) to convert to, to make a transition from one system to another.
CHANGEOVER n. a conversion, transition.
CHANGEOVERSchangeovers n. Plural of changeover.
CHANGEOVER n. a conversion, transition.
COMEOVERcomeover n. (Isle of Man) An immigrant.
come-over n. (Isle of Man) A non-Manx person living in the Isle of Man.
come␣over v. (Transitive) To affect in a sudden, unprecedented or surprising manner; to overwhelm a person’s ordinarily…
COMEOVERScomeovers n. Plural of comeover.
come-overs n. Plural of come-over.
COMEOVER n. a person who has come from Britain to the Isle of Man to settle.
MAKEOVERmakeover n. A major change in the use of something, or in the appearance of something or someone; a radical transformation.
make-over n. Alternative spelling of makeover.
make␣over v. (Idiomatic) To renovate or to convert to a different use, particularly houses, offices, or rooms within them.
MAKEOVERSmakeovers n. Plural of makeover.
make-overs n. Plural of make-over.
MAKEOVER n. a complete change of appearance.
MOREOVERmoreover adv. (Conjunctive) In addition to what has been said; furthermore; additionally.
MOREOVER adv. in addition.
MOUSEOVERmouseover n. (Computing) The event of an on-screen pointer being over an on-screen shape.
mouse-over n. Alternative spelling of mouseover.
mouse␣over v. (Computing) To move a computer mouse pointer over (an element of the display).
MOUSEOVERSmouseovers n. Plural of mouseover.
mouse-overs n. Plural of mouse-over.
MOUSEOVER n. on a web page, any item that changes or pops up when the pointer of a mouse moves over it.
STRIKEOVERstrikeover n. (Printing) Strikeover or strikeout text, i.e., fonts where each letter appears to be "crossed out".
STRIKEOVER n. an act or instance of striking a typewritten character on a spot occupied by another character.
STRIKEOVERSstrikeovers n. Plural of strikeover.
STRIKEOVER n. an act or instance of striking a typewritten character on a spot occupied by another character.
TAKEOVERtakeover n. (Economics) The purchase of one company by another; a merger without the formation of a new company…
takeover n. (Economics, UK) The acquisition of a public company whose shares are listed on a stock exchange, in…
takeover n. A time or event in which control or authority, especially over a facility is passed from one party to the next.
TAKEOVERStakeovers n. Plural of takeover.
TAKEOVER n. the act of assuming control.
VOICEOVERvoiceover n. Alternative spelling of voice-over.
voiceover v. Alternative spelling of voice-over.
voice-over n. A production technique, in which pictures are accompanied by the voice of an unseen actor or reporter…
VOICEOVERSvoiceovers n. Plural of voiceover.
voice-overs n. Plural of voice-over.
VOICEOVER n. a spoken commentary by an unseen narrator on film.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 136 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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