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There are 20 words containing ENTON

BENTONITEbentonite n. (Mineralogy) Any of several impure clay minerals consisting mostly of montmorillonite.
bentonite n. A porous clay formed by the decomposition of volcanic ash that swells 5 to 6 times its original volume…
BENTONITE n. a kind of clay, used in industry as a filler etc.
BENTONITESbentonites n. Plural of bentonite.
BENTONITE n. a kind of clay, used in industry as a filler etc.
BENTONITICbentonitic adj. Formed of, or containing, bentonite.
BENTONITIC adj. of or like bentonite.
CENTONATEcentonate n. (Music) A piece composed according to the rules of centonization.
CENTONATE n. a Gregorian chant composed of a patchwork of texts and melodies.
CENTONATEScentonates n. Plural of centonate.
CENTONATE n. a Gregorian chant composed of a patchwork of texts and melodies.
CENTONELcentonel n. Obsolete form of sentinel.
CENTONEL n. (Spenser) a sentinel or sentry, also CENTINEL, CENTINELL, CENTONELL, SENTINEL.
CENTONELScentonels n. Plural of centonel.
CENTONEL n. (Spenser) a sentinel or sentry, also CENTINEL, CENTINELL, CENTONELL, SENTINEL.
CENTONEScentones n. Plural of cento.
CENTO n. (Latin) a literary work made up of parts from other works.
CENTONISTcentonist n. Alternative form of centoist.
CENTONIST n. one who composes centos, poems manufactured by putting together passages of other poems, also CENTOIST.
CENTONISTScentonists n. Plural of centonist.
CENTONIST n. one who composes centos, poems manufactured by putting together passages of other poems, also CENTOIST.
EIGENTONEeigentone n. (Acoustics) A tone liable to cause resonance in a particular space.
EIGENTONE n. (German) a tone characteristic of a particular vibrating system.
EIGENTONESeigentones n. Plural of eigentone.
EIGENTONE n. (German) a tone characteristic of a particular vibrating system.
MENTONNIEREmentonniere n. Alternative form of mentonnière.
mentonnière n. (Historical) An item of armor protecting the chin, often identified or used interchangeably with the bevor.
MENTONNIERE n. (French) a piece of armour for the chin and throat.
MENTONNIERESmentonnieres n. Plural of mentonniere.
mentonnières n. Plural of mentonnière.
MENTONNIERE n. (French) a piece of armour for the chin and throat.
PIMENTONPIMENTON n. smoked chilli powder.
PIMENTONSPIMENTON n. smoked chilli powder.
THIOPENTONEthiopentone n. (Pharmacology) Thiopental.
THIOPENTONE n. an intravenous anaesthetic.
THIOPENTONESTHIOPENTONE n. an intravenous anaesthetic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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