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There are 11 words containing ENDOG

ENDOGAMICendogamic adj. Endogamous.
ENDOGAMIC adj. relating to endogamy, marriage within the group.
ENDOGAMIESendogamies n. Plural of endogamy.
ENDOGAMY n. the practice of marriage within a specific social group.
ENDOGAMOUSendogamous adj. (Of a marriage) Taking place within a social group.
ENDOGAMOUS adj. marrying within the same tribe.
ENDOGAMYendogamy n. The practice of marrying or requiring to marry within one’s own ethnic, religious, or social group.
endogamy n. (Biology) The fusion of two related gametes.
ENDOGAMY n. the practice of marriage within a specific social group.
ENDOGENendogen n. (Botany) A plant which increases in size by internal growth and elongation at the summit, having the…
ENDOGEN n. a plant which grows from within.
ENDOGENICendogenic adj. Originating within the system (as an organism) that it acts upon.
endogenic adj. (Geology) Originating within the earth; endogenous or endogenetic.
ENDOGENIC adj. formed or occurring inside the earth.
ENDOGENIESendogenies n. Plural of endogeny.
ENDOGENY n. growth from within.
ENDOGENOUSendogenous adj. Produced, originating or growing from within.
endogenous adj. Of a natural process: caused by factors within the body.
ENDOGENOUS adj. produced or growing from within.
ENDOGENOUSLYendogenously adv. In an endogenous manner.
ENDOGENOUS adv. produced or growing from within.
ENDOGENSendogens n. Plural of endogen.
ENDOGEN n. a plant which grows from within.
ENDOGENYendogeny n. Growth from within.
ENDOGENY n. growth from within.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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