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There are 14 words containing ENDIT

ENDITEendite n. An additional lobe on the inner side of the protopodite of a crustacean limb.
endite n. One of the mouthparts of a spider or other arachnids, specifically the lobe of the palpal coxa lateral to the labium.
endite v. Obsolete form of indite.
ENDITEDendited v. Simple past tense and past participle of endite.
ENDITE v. to charge formally with a crime.
ENDITESendites n. Plural of endite.
ENDITE v. to charge formally with a crime.
ENDITINGenditing v. Present participle of endite.
ENDITE v. to charge formally with a crime.
EXPENDITUREexpenditure n. (Uncountable, countable) Act of expending or paying out.
expenditure n. (Uncountable, countable) The amount expended; expense; outlay.
EXPENDITURE n. the act of expending.
EXPENDITURESexpenditures n. Plural of expenditure.
EXPENDITURE n. the act of expending.
RENDITIONrendition n. An interpretation or performance of an artwork, especially a musical score or musical work.
rendition n. A given visual reproduction of something.
rendition n. Translation between languages, or between forms of a language; a translated text or work.
RENDITIONEDrenditioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of rendition.
RENDITION v. to surrender (fugitives from justice) at the claim of a foreign government.
RENDITIONINGrenditioning v. Present participle of rendition.
renditioning n. The ability of a television or monitor to display all colours and grey tones accurately.
renditioning n. The practice of removing a suspect to a foreign country for interrogation (such that the original countries…
RENDITIONSrenditions n. Plural of rendition.
renditions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rendition.
RENDITION v. to surrender (fugitives from justice) at the claim of a foreign government.
VENDITATIONvenditation n. (Obsolete) The act of setting forth ostentatiously; a boastful display.
VENDITATION n. offering for sale.
VENDITATIONSvenditations n. Plural of venditation.
VENDITATION n. offering for sale.
VENDITIONvendition n. The act of vending or selling; sale.
VENDITION n. a sale.
VENDITIONSvenditions n. Plural of vendition.
VENDITION n. a sale.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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