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There are 11 words containing EMISO

CHEMISORBchemisorb v. (Transitive, chemistry) To adsorb a substance on the surface or another by chemical bonding.
CHEMISORB v. to adsorb by chemical action, also CHEMOSORB.
CHEMISORBEDchemisorbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of chemisorb.
CHEMISORB v. to adsorb by chemical action, also CHEMOSORB.
CHEMISORBINGchemisorbing v. Present participle of chemisorb.
CHEMISORB v. to adsorb by chemical action, also CHEMOSORB.
CHEMISORBSchemisorbs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chemisorb.
CHEMISORB v. to adsorb by chemical action, also CHEMOSORB.
CHEMISORPTIONchemisorption n. (Chemistry) the process in which a substance is adsorbed on the surface of another by means of chemical…
CHEMISORPTION n. the act of chemisorbing.
CHEMISORPTIONSchemisorptions n. Plural of chemisorption.
CHEMISORPTION n. the act of chemisorbing.
SEMISOFTsemisoft adj. (Especially of food) Partially soft; partially melted.
semisoft n. (Rare) Any semisoft variety of cheese.
semi-soft adj. Alternative spelling of semisoft.
SEMISOLIDsemisolid adj. Having properties intermediate between those of a solid and a liquid.
semisolid n. Any substance with such properties.
SEMISOLID adj. partly solid.
SEMISOLIDSsemisolids n. Plural of semisolid.
SEMISOLID n. something partly solid.
SEMISOLUSSEMISOLUS n. an advertisement on the same page as another advertisement but not adjacent to it.
SEMISOLUSESSEMISOLUS n. an advertisement on the same page as another advertisement but not adjacent to it.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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