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There are 14 words containing EMISI

ALCHEMISINGalchemising v. Present participle of alchemise.
ALCHEMISE v. to change by alchemy; to transmute, also ALCHEMIZE.
ARTEMISIAartemisia n. Any of many aromatic flowering plants of the genus Artemisia, including wormwood, sagebrush, and tarragon…
Artemisia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asteraceae – artemisias and plants known as wormwood, sagebrush, and mugwort.
ARTEMISIA n. (Greek) any plant of the Artemisia genus of composites including wormwood, sagebrush, etc.
ARTEMISIASartemisias n. Plural of artemisia.
ARTEMISIA n. (Greek) any plant of the Artemisia genus of composites including wormwood, sagebrush, etc.
ARTEMISININartemisinin n. (Biochemistry, pharmacology) An antimalarial drug derived from the sweet wormwood shrub, Artemisia annua…
ARTEMISININ n. a crystalline compound extracted from the artemisia plant, used esp. to treat malaria, aka qinghaosu.
ARTEMISININSartemisinins n. Plural of artemisinin.
ARTEMISININ n. a crystalline compound extracted from the artemisia plant, used esp. to treat malaria, aka qinghaosu.
DEMISINGdemising adj. (Of a wall or partition) Serving to separate tenants from one another or from common areas.
demising v. Present participle of demise.
DEMISE v. to give to a successor; to bequeath by will.
EMBLEMISINGemblemising v. Present participle of emblemise.
EMBLEMISE v. to represent by or as if by an emblem, also EMBLEMIZE.
EUPHEMISINGeuphemising v. Present participle of euphemise.
EUPHEMISE v. to speak or write (of) euphemistically, also EUPHEMIZE.
ITEMISINGitemising v. Present participle of itemise.
ITEMISE v. to set down the particulars of, also ITEM, ITEMIZE.
POLEMISINGpolemising v. Present participle of polemise.
POLEMISE v. to argue or write polemically, carry on a controversy, also POLEMICISE, POLEMICIZE, POLEMIZE.
PREMISINGpremising v. Present participle of premise.
PREMISE v. to state in advance.
RACEMISINGracemising v. Present participle of racemise.
RACEMISE v. to change into racemic form, also RACEMIZE.
REMISINGremising v. Present participle of remise.
REMISE v. to give up a claim to.
SYSTEMISINGsystemising v. Present participle of systemise.
SYSTEMISE v. to reduce to a system, also SYSTEMIZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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