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There are 17 words containing EMARC

DEMARCHEdemarche n. Alternative spelling of démarche.
démarche n. A diplomatic maneuver; one handled with finesse.
démarche n. A diplomatic note without a personal attribution conveying an official protest or request for support…
DEMARCATEdemarcate v. To mark the limits or boundaries of something; to delimit.
demarcate v. To mark the difference between two causes of action; to distinguish.
DEMARCATE v. to mark the boundary of.
DEMARCHESdemarches n. Plural of demarche.
démarches n. Plural of démarche.
DEMARCHE n. (French) a course of action, esp. a diplomatic petition or protest.
POLEMARCHpolemarch n. (Historical, Ancient Greece, originally) The military commander in chief in Athens, one of the nine archonts.
polemarch n. (Historical, Ancient Greece) A civil magistrate in Athens who had jurisdiction in respect of strangers and sojourners.
polemarch n. (Historical, Ancient Greece) In other Greek (city) states, a high military and civil officer.
DEMARCATEDdemarcated v. Simple past tense and past participle of demarcate.
DEMARCATE v. to mark the boundary of.
DEMARCATESdemarcates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of demarcate.
DEMARCATE v. to mark the boundary of.
DEMARCATORdemarcator n. One who or that which demarcates.
DEMARCATOR n. one who demarcates.
POLEMARCHSpolemarchs n. Plural of polemarch.
POLEMARCH n. a title of several officials in ancient Greek states, originally a military commander.
ROUTEMARCHroutemarch n. Alternative form of route-march.
routemarch v. Alternative form of route-march.
route-march n. (Military) A long march for training purposes.
DEMARCATINGdemarcating v. Present participle of demarcate.
DEMARCATE v. to mark the boundary of.
DEMARCATIONdemarcation n. The act of marking off a boundary or setting a limit, notably by belligerents signing a treaty or ceasefire.
demarcation n. A limit thus fixed, in full demarcation line.
demarcation n. Any strictly defined separation.
DEMARCATORSdemarcators n. Plural of demarcator.
DEMARCATOR n. one who demarcates.
DEMARCATIONSdemarcations n. Plural of demarcation.
DEMARCATION n. the act of demarking, also DEMARKATION.
ROUTEMARCHEDroutemarched v. Simple past tense and past participle of routemarch.
route-marched v. Simple past tense and past participle of route-march.
route␣marched v. Simple past tense and past participle of route march.
ROUTEMARCHESroutemarches n. Plural of routemarch.
routemarches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of routemarch.
route-marches n. Plural of route-march.
UNDEMARCATEDundemarcated adj. Not demarcated.
UNDEMARCATED adj. not demarcated.
ROUTEMARCHINGroutemarching v. Present participle of routemarch.
route-marching v. Present participle of route-march.
route␣marching v. Present participle of route march.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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