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There are 11 words containing EMACI

EMACIATEemaciate v. (Transitive) To make extremely thin or wasted.
emaciate v. (Intransitive) To become extremely thin or wasted.
emaciate adj. Emaciated.
EMACIATEDemaciated adj. Thin or haggard, especially from hunger or disease.
emaciated v. Simple past tense and past participle of emaciate.
EMACIATE v. to make thin.
EMACIATESemaciates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of emaciate.
EMACIATE v. to make thin.
EMACIATINGemaciating v. Present participle of emaciate.
EMACIATE v. to make thin.
EMACIATIONemaciation n. The act of making very lean.
emaciation n. The state of being emaciated or reduced to excessive leanness; an excessively lean condition.
EMACIATION n. the act of making very lean.
EMACIATIONSemaciations n. Plural of emaciation.
EMACIATION n. the act of making very lean.
SUPREMACIESsupremacies n. Plural of supremacy.
SUPREMACY n. the state of being supreme.
SUPREMACISMsupremacism n. The belief that a certain group of people are far more superior compared to anyone else, such as those…
SUPREMACISM n. belief in the supremacy of one particular group of people.
SUPREMACISMSsupremacisms n. Plural of supremacism.
SUPREMACISM n. belief in the supremacy of one particular group of people.
SUPREMACISTsupremacist adj. Supportive of supremacism, the belief that some groups should control others.
supremacist n. An advocate of supremacism, a supporter of the belief that some groups should control others.
SUPREMACIST n. an advocate or adherent of group supremacy.
SUPREMACISTSsupremacists n. Plural of supremacist.
SUPREMACIST n. an advocate or adherent of group supremacy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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