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There are 16 words containing ELUDE

DELUDEdelude v. (Transitive) To deceive into believing something which is false; to lead into error; to dupe.
delude v. (Transitive, obsolete) To frustrate or disappoint.
DELUDE v. to mislead that what is true is false.
DELUDEDdeluded adj. Being affected by delusions.
deluded v. Simple past tense and past participle of delude.
DELUDE v. to mislead that what is true is false.
DELUDERdeluder n. Someone who deludes.
DELUDER n. one who deludes.
DELUDERSdeluders n. Plural of deluder.
DELUDER n. one who deludes.
DELUDESdeludes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of delude.
DELUDE v. to mislead that what is true is false.
ELUDEelude v. (Transitive) To evade or escape from (someone or something), especially by using cunning or skill.
elude v. (Transitive) To shake off (a pursuer); to give someone the slip.
elude v. (Transitive) To escape being understandable to; to be incomprehensible to.
ELUDEDeluded v. Simple past tense and past participle of elude.
ELUDE v. to evade.
ELUDEReluder n. Agent noun of elude: one who eludes.
ELUDER n. one who eludes.
ELUDERSeluders n. Plural of eluder.
ELUDER n. one who eludes.
ELUDESeludes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of elude.
ELUDE v. to evade.
PRELUDEprelude n. An introductory or preliminary performance or event.
prelude n. (Music) A short, free-form piece of music, originally one serving as an introduction to a longer and…
prelude n. (Programming) A standard module or library of subroutines and functions to be imported, generally by…
PRELUDEDpreluded v. Simple past tense and past participle of prelude.
PRELUDE v. to play a musical introduction.
PRELUDERpreluder n. One who, or that which, preludes; one who plays a prelude.
PRELUDER n. a person who plays or performs a prelude.
PRELUDERSpreluders n. Plural of preluder.
PRELUDER n. a person who plays or performs a prelude.
PRELUDESpreludes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prelude.
PRELUDE v. to play a musical introduction.
UNDELUDEDundeluded adj. Not deluded.
UNDELUDED adj. not deluded.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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